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@Mode: It prevents up to 3 damage, and only gives counters for as much damage as it's preventing. If your creature was pinged for 1 damage and you played this card, it would only get one +1/+1 counter.
Posted By: WidjettyOne (6/25/2010 9:46:12 PM)


Why does it say "put a +1/+1 counter on that creature for each 1 damage prevented this way" rather than "put 3 +1/+1 counters on that creature"? Is it so that spells or abilities that stop damage from being prevented make the +1/+1 counter part useless?
Posted By: DFG_Danger (6/18/2010 7:29:39 AM)


Woah they need to reprint stuff like this!
Posted By: Stray_Dog (3/24/2011 2:45:30 AM)


I think somebody's already pointed this out, but it really punishes First Strike. The targeted creature would get the counters from the First Strike damage first, and then have a greater chance of killing the First Striker from the extra three damage it would deal.
Posted By: RunedServitor (9/15/2013 12:56:15 PM)


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