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Community Rating: 3.662 / 5  (65 votes)
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A really flavourful and universal tutor for casual play and friendly to the budget too. Even better with Sensei's Divining Top or Sylvan Library.
Posted By: holgir (9/25/2009 4:36:15 AM)


I used it with thrumming stone
Posted By: Tommy9898 (2/21/2010 12:10:35 AM)


why not just Ponder?
Posted By: Tezz (4/5/2010 3:56:13 AM)


Mental Note... No thanks.
Ponder... No thanks.

Sensei's Divining Top... Ah, that's better.
Posted By: igniteice (1/23/2012 12:51:07 PM)


Hooray for instant-speed tutors.
Posted By: metalevolence (5/17/2011 7:25:59 PM)


I love how much love art-design love Scornful Egotist gets. It's such a fun card.
Posted By: Max_Glycine (6/21/2011 1:25:21 AM)


LOL when I started playing, this tutor was (regrettably) the best in my arsenal for assembling my ridiculous n00b combos. I couldn't understand why everyone didn't use them.
Posted By: Homelands (8/22/2011 9:37:22 PM)


This and Ghoulcaller's Bell become a topdeck-tutor. Also, don't forget the targeted Mental Note, Thought Scour.
Posted By: Tynansdtm (7/9/2012 3:06:53 PM)


Things that make this card really good:

1. Fetches any card.
2. Doesn't reveal the chosen card.
3. Instant speed.

This card is extremely good in EDH where searching for Enchantments or Planeswalkers can be difficult. The only real downside of this card (other than having to wait a few turns) is that it locks down your deck from any kind of searching.

Drawing, Scrying, or Milling yourself will negate all downsides - making this one of the best tutors in blue. I give this card a 4.5/5 for its sheer potential.
Posted By: dberry02 (1/27/2013 7:49:29 PM)


Compared to Diabolic Tutor, they put it in blue, they reduced the mana cost by 1 strict mana, they put it at instant speed, and the only side effect is that it doesn't put it right into your hand, it puts it 3rd from the top... in a color that has never known to have problems drawing cards... or getting card advantage for that matter.
Basically what you can do with this in its simplest, aside for just waiting for it, you already grabbed card advantage now you use that extra card to brainstorm with this and, BAM! you just not only pulled out the card for a straight tutor, but you also fixed two cards in your hand. I'm sorry that you were expecting Demonic Tutor at instant speed--that card was a rare and it's probably never getting printed again. If you want straight pull to hand use the already commented Mystical Teachings, Intuition, and Gifts Ungiven. Want to break the card? Oath of druids.
Posted By: raptorman333 (4/18/2013 1:31:07 PM)


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