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Community Rating: 2.145 / 5  (31 votes)
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Great art, though.
Posted By: EMG81 (12/18/2012 8:02:02 AM)


It's a last gasp that doesn't cost you a card, and can be used over and over. Ya, it kills indestructible and regenerating guys, but he can also kill regular guys too. Late game, if you have nothing better to do, killing off their creatures is definitely not useless. It's weak for the cost, but doesn't cost you card advantage, and in fact, generates it. That's a lot to say for a common.

I use this guy in my pauper zombie EDH deck as a late-game bomb. He can pretty much win alone. All the actual removal builds up in your hand while you kill off what you can with this guy, and then when they play something too big, kill it with a removal spell.

He's not amazing, but he's certainly not bad. He's he simple 3/1 for 3 (which isn't that bad for black), and he has great late-game potential.
Posted By: SAUS3 (6/20/2013 9:04:47 AM)


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