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Community Rating: 1.814 / 5  (35 votes)
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Mind Control cards are good with this; as is waiting until late game when they most likely won't have a hand. Possible {B}/{U} deck mixing discard in could utilize this earlier. I think I'll get a playset and try it out.

You could also mix with things that hurt them somehow on casting (costing extra mana, bouncing permanents, losing life, etc..)

Basically you slow their tempo (if done right) stay card neutral, and deny the opponent much needed answers they may be seeking. Bouncing land with this while using other cards to eat or bounce lands could allow you to slow them to a crawl. Seems better than the 1.7* rating it has now. Again, use this LATE game, not just when you have the mana.
Posted By: blurrymadness (12/26/2012 10:13:33 AM)


There should be a R/B enchantment called Self-Loathing that reads, "You count as your own opponent." That would combo with a bunch of cards, including this one, and you could build a wacky but wonderful deck around it. I'm actually kind of surprised something like that wasn't printed in New Phyrexia, considering all the other weird no-good-on-its-own combo fodder they printed in that block.

And no, HorseMittens, you can't Redirect this onto one of your own creatures, because Redirect can only change the target of a spell to a target it could have legally targeted to begin with, and normally, you aren't your own opponent. =(
Posted By: RunedServitor (5/24/2013 8:27:21 AM)


Magic is about making a combination of cards work, not to judge a card only by its text.

Consider this combo: imprint Meta on Isochron Scepter, use discard spells to empty opponent's hand, then proceed to lock them down every turn with a meta by putting their land on top of the library. Use walls like Wall of Denial to block which ever creature they manage to put into play. Or, have spells ready to destroy the permanent accordingly with Oblivion Ring
Posted By: Cyberium (6/24/2013 12:00:36 PM)


Haha if only you could target yourself!
Posted By: Combofriend (7/2/2013 9:14:39 PM)


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