Two cards make her amazing and that's Eon Hub and Conspiracy.
I made a pretty devastating token deck where all the tokens are mixed; saprolings, soldiers, thrulls etc. Once you have Eon Hub and Conspiracy out I slap out Karona and basically win at that point unless they have something to either counter her or kill me outright, maybe a stop all combat damage spell..
Overall, from her own set, she's garbage, but mix her with the above mentioned cards and she becomes epic for a token deck..
Posted By:
(1/4/2011 10:53:58 PM)
why can they make another karona? like the true karona???
i wish i can see some phage ability and akroma in one card
Posted By:
(1/25/2011 5:31:26 AM)
I think I want one of these for my Sliver EDH deck...
Posted By:
(3/20/2011 8:07:12 AM)
I think her chaotic ability it's okay, but she should be more powerful, since she is the fusion of Akroma and Phage, so she should be like 8/8 - 9/9 with shroud, since she's a godess and godess, and sort of some of the abilities of phage and Akroma, like trample, flying, protection, etc, maybe the winning the game ability could be a risky add, and thus reinforce the idea that she ihas no master.Then she would be worht the risk of exchange.
Posted By:
(5/18/2011 6:10:41 PM)
EDH, changeling and the vows (Vow of Wildness) have finally given this legend a place to call home. Keep in mind this is a decade after her printing. When she was released, she was gag-inducingly bad, and to add insult to pulling her as a rare, she is the culmination of the awesome Phage the untouchable (Who does manage to be far worse in EDH I suppose) and Akroma, Angel of Wrath.So following two blocks of awe-inspiring legends that did new things and pushed the boundaries of what a beatdown creature could be we got this.
Thats right folks, you run five colors, you pay six mana and what do you get? a five five and a decent boost to your creatures, followed by your opponent getting the same devastating boost should they survive. A very dissapointing end to my favorite magic story of all time.
Posted By:
(4/13/2012 2:41:39 AM)
My Beautiful EDH general only gets two stars?
@MTGfreak: You have good taste.
Posted By:
(8/23/2012 1:20:27 PM)
As crappy as she is, even she has her uses in group hug EDH.
Posted By:
(10/5/2012 8:09:47 PM)
Posted By:
(11/10/2012 8:25:48 PM)
If you fold it in half and run it through the washer a couple of times, it actually turns into a somewhat decent card.
Posted By:
(2/20/2013 6:04:55 PM)