Jeska was RED
Then she became Phage, who was BLACK
Ixidor, who's BLUE, created Akroma, who was WHITE
Kamahl, who's GREEN, was involved in the confrontation between Phage, Akroma, and Zagorka (who is not a card, perhaps she is COLORLESS?).
Boom, Karona.
Posted By:
(3/6/2013 5:31:33 AM)
A pity that such an epic being that took 3 sets to build up turns out to be a really crummy card.
Posted By:
(3/7/2013 2:45:02 PM)
It's an 8/8 with Conspiracy or if you name Avatar..
Vows work, as do enchantments that force her to attack each turn (in combination) (Furor of the Bitten) for multiplayer. 3-cards down but you get to have each opponent nail eachother with a 9/9 or bigger evasive beater in chaotic style as well!
So do creatures that tap down other creatures (usually White or Blue)
Posted By:
(3/12/2013 9:30:07 AM)
i like group hug cards but...isn't this supposed to be a "big bad" in the magic multiverse? what a letdown.
Posted By:
(3/29/2013 9:37:36 PM)
For clarification this will never happen ever. But it would be awesome if it did.
player 1: The Karona, False God that I exiled a few turns ago with Jhoira of the Ghitu resolves. I cast a kicked Rite of Replication on it, then copy the Rite twice with my level 4 Echo Mage. None of the Karonas die thanks to my Mirror Gallery. I swing with all 16 Karonas, naming Avatar with each of them and turning them into 53/53s.
player 2: Time Stop. Where are your gods now?
Posted By:
(5/9/2013 3:35:26 PM)
Use with Eon Hub. No upkeeps means that you get to keep her forever.
Barring Eon Hub and Vow of X shenanigans, you can think of her as a powerful finisher with a drawback if she doesn't finish, sort of like a multicolored Timbermare. +3/+3 to a tribe is nothing to scoff at. I'm thinking notably of Elves with Elvish Piper. Completely bypassing her restrictive mana cost, swing with her and your horde of elves, and drop Overrun while you're at it.
Posted By:
(6/9/2013 6:12:19 PM)
I just put prison term on her until I can land a "vow of" card. Simple enough in my mind and totally worth it.
Posted By:
(6/13/2013 4:20:43 PM)
So my shadowborn apostle strategy got scrapped, and now my deck is basically voltron karona. There really aren't that many voltron cards in the deck, but that's because she is already strong the way she is. I run only 3 of the vows (5 was overkill and I was using them as pacifism which was inefficient).
Anyway, the deck is super awesome. If the setup is right, it's like a voltron commander with 4 combat steps per turn.
Grand melee + vow of wildness + elephant grass has been one of the most brutal things ever. I've also had lots of equipment thrown onto her as she goes by the voltron player's turn. He didn't mind getting all the jitte counters.
For funsies, I decided to try to include a ton of the charms from the ravnica block, alara block, and planeshift block. I have 13 in the deck. So many options! So much fun and so much chaos.
Posted By:
(9/25/2013 7:03:36 AM)
This thing is actually pretty good guys; in my edh, with finest hour, both its attack buff and the exalted trigger twice. First hit is for 9, the next hit is for 12- hey what do you know that equals 21. On turn 6. Or less.
also homeward path
and just run it in slivers or a token deck when you need it
Posted By:
(10/12/2013 9:54:54 AM)
They better errata this with the type God.
Posted By:
(10/15/2013 9:11:22 PM)