2B would be the cost I would like.
1B would be too cheap, 2BB to much.
Posted By:
(5/20/2010 5:47:42 AM)
if it was only cheaper...it's overcosted, but the effect is a great idea.
Posted By:
(7/17/2009 8:19:05 AM)
@ Kryptnyt:
I dunno I would split the difference and cost it at 3B, but hey that's just me.
Posted By:
(3/15/2011 11:00:28 PM)
Shame as this would be perfect removal if the cost wasn't so high, the problem is that in order to be even considered decent removal in a {B} deck it would have to have a CMC of at most {3}, if it was {2} it would probably be too powerful. Remember that it can also buff things like Chameleon Colossus
Posted By:
(2/23/2012 11:40:36 PM)
Undead Warchief's cousin For the WIN!
Posted By:
(4/7/2010 2:26:26 AM)
This is a fun design, nice card for limited. Unfortunate mana cost.
lol good luck putting this on chameleon colossus
Posted By:
(4/8/2013 5:08:37 PM)