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Community Rating: 3.736 / 5  (36 votes)
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Assuming you have Dragon Mage out on the field you can possibly negate some of the risk of having it die. Also, this guy plus Mimic Vat or Soul Foundry could work for some hug tutor action, or if you're willing to live with a potentially serious drawback for a fairly easy tutor combo and not playing black or just looking for another tutor option.
Posted By: Kefale (8/4/2012 4:39:54 PM)


using Windfall or Wheel of Fortune leads to many good times.
the first time your opponents go for their best cards, then you Windfall.
the second time your opponents think you are going to get Windfall so they grab junk.
the third time they just flip you off.
Posted By: poonilli (8/14/2012 1:08:36 PM)


I love how situational this card is even when you play it with Archive Trap or Lobotomy sort of spells. You need to be absolutely sure about the timing. Knowing what you are going to search they could just go for a Counterspell or something else that makes your search and by extension, this card, completely useless.

With Archive Trap the search order does play a part. If he dies during your turn, you don't know if the opponent is going to search for anything, so you can't know if fetching Archive Trap is actually a good idea.
Posted By: Dankirk (10/3/2013 11:33:52 AM)


Mirrorweave this in response to a board wipe. Premium hugs deck material.
Posted By: Fadingstar (2/17/2014 8:10:40 PM)


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