The effect is not bad, but the card's cost is too high.
Posted By:
(5/29/2011 6:04:38 AM)
benevolent unicorn is better...not by much, but... yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
for six mana.... why?!
even if it were annoying, this card has splinter me written all over it
Posted By:
(11/11/2009 7:20:38 AM)
Prototype Portal YEAAAAA! 8D
Posted By:
(3/5/2011 10:24:38 AM)
6 mana is a lot to pay for what this card does. But at least you don't need to pour mana into it to maintain it. I suppouse it could have its uses.
Posted By:
(11/24/2010 2:21:40 AM)
This is an interesting concept, but the cost makes this nearly useless. Would be fun to see it reprinted as a 0/1 or 1/2 creature that gives you the same ability, for 2 or 3 mana at most. Then you might see some clever decks built around getting multiples out at once.
Posted By:
(6/26/2011 2:27:34 PM)
Really fun with Mana Clash
Posted By:
(10/21/2011 5:58:41 AM)
Yeah, if they stormed out on turn 5-6, this card would friggin own it.
It's a great effect, one of my first decks was this and pestilence. But it could use an update for nowadays, something like 4-mana at most. Agree with Wulfsten.. love it, but just looking old
Posted By:
(11/21/2011 3:54:43 PM)
@ Draugnor: and all that for a bargain of 24cmc...
Posted By:
(1/3/2012 6:35:46 PM)
Playing this turn three terrifies white weenie decks. Playing another turn four makes them weep. (dropped three urza lands first three turns.)
Posted By:
(3/18/2012 1:12:17 AM)
As costly as his armor was, no wonder it didn't work too well for Urza.
Posted By:
(7/4/2012 9:40:27 AM)