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Community Rating: 3.312 / 5  (668 votes)
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For what it's worth, it's playable in Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker EDH. With the relevant sac. engines, it shuts down an opponent HARD. Not to mention all of the value you get by saccing it. While there are better options, I'm thinking of including it just because such a terrible card can become so powerful.
Posted By: Aremath (6/20/2013 11:58:52 PM)


So finally Magic the Gathering got its first personal meme as well.

At first i was surprised when seeing how many reviews and ratings this card had, and got quite confused from these high-rated absurd comments praising the imp until i finally realized a horde of trolls took control and wrote that entire stuff for the lulz.

I just laughed my ass of while reading those comments, it's astonishing how creative people can rant about such a piece of junk.

You even get "chimney imp deck" as search proposal in google. LOL!
Successful troll was successful.
Posted By: Mode (8/7/2009 12:32:02 PM)


I took Chimney Imp to a Grand Prix and lost every round. Clearly Chimney Imp refuses to be used for such selfish purposes as winning
Posted By: shotoku64 (3/4/2014 4:12:36 PM)


In a recent column, one of the developers claimed that they occasionally printed bad cards like this on purpose just as a skill test to identify the unskilled players. I don't really believe him though.
Posted By: Notoriety (8/12/2010 6:33:41 PM)


I wish the developers would stop printing cards this broken. I mean, seriously. It freaking UNTAPS FOR FREE!
Posted By: Banjovial (9/30/2010 11:56:25 AM)


I agree with these cards being beyond jokes, its pathetic, I mean look at it, ITS NOT A JOKE!

Chimney Imp makes you opponents cry, for 5, you get a 1/2 mostly unblockable beast, that if they manage to remove, will take a card with them?! WHAT are they going to do?

A 20 turn clock that starts turn 6, maybe earlier with Black Lotus or Dark Ritual OR they lose a card, like a discard, and then waste a kill spell, and set them back a draw?

OP, I can't believe it saw print, lucky affinity was there to kinda level the game.
Posted By: ICEFANG13 (9/6/2011 5:44:10 AM)


This card is so good, at CCGHouse it's a manly 14 cents, where most baby cards are crying in the 9 cent section.
Posted By: Cheese_Particle (6/3/2013 5:56:52 PM)


It untaps for FREE!!!
Posted By: xion_black (11/11/2008 4:00:12 PM)


For the sake of those who are reading this discussion without understanding the history behind it, I'll just explain briefly. Chimney Imp is an extremely bad card, because five mana for a 1/2 creature with its abilities is a very poor deal. Cards this bad are not printed frequently, especially at common, so this one generated a great deal of discussion on the Internet. Somewhere along the way someone thought it would be funny to insist that the card was completely overpowered, and this idea spread virally, often justified by silly but true statements like "It untaps for free!" In short, don't take what you read here seriously.
Posted By: PhageRules1 (11/14/2008 8:20:37 PM)


5 stars for adorabability
Posted By: Ninjazilla (5/21/2011 9:44:25 PM)


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