Undeniably a great card... But Mogg Jailer makes this card look silly.
Posted By:
(6/27/2010 10:48:37 AM)
Posted By:
(7/8/2011 10:08:54 AM)
1st turn: Telepathy
9th turn: Chimney imp! - Target chimney imp with Stabbing pain - Target chimney imp with Assassinate - Profit!
This way you can use chimney imp successfully in one turn and will also know which card the opponent puts on top of his/her library.
Posted By:
(12/29/2010 8:28:48 PM)
this card ia just amazing!! it has rampage 0, bands with cards that dont exest, bushido 0, all non creature cards incapable of bloking it must do so if they can, fading 00, protection from pink, and it freekin untapes for free!!! totaly broken, better than all the power nine together! can you beleave i won against a deck with 1 of these and 59 swamps using the 2010 ventege world championship deck with the most of each of the power nine that was alowed in ventige!
Posted By:
(3/27/2010 6:43:30 PM)
Opened one of these in a Zendikar pack, and weed myself with excitement.
Posted By:
(10/7/2009 7:41:50 AM)
HOLY CRAP! This is easily the best card I have ever seen, its actually legal?! I mean come on, its a 1/2 for 5, which is severely undercosted! This may just be on par with Baneslayer Angel. Not to mention if they decide the Wrath the board in order to deal with this amazing threat, it has a leaves the battlefield ability that may end the game right then and there. If your opponent has one card left, imagine the look on their face when they finally deal with your Imp and then they are forced to draw a card they already had in their hand! Amazing card, easy 5 stars!
Posted By:
(10/1/2010 11:49:11 AM)
WTF? How is this card not banned from extended and restricted from vintage? Hell, why isn't this card BANNED from vintage? It's waaaaaaaay too good
Posted By:
(8/16/2009 1:25:52 PM)
Hey, I just realized something...
They forgot to ban this in Extended. I know, I know, it sounds absurd, but seriously guys: everyone just assumed it's banned, but it's still legal.
Posted By:
(8/22/2009 2:59:11 PM)
This was in Mirroden? The same block with Cranial Plating and friggen Skull Clamp?
Posted By:
(9/9/2009 12:52:27 PM)
I know everyone is going to hate me for pointing this out, but this is strictly worse than Grim Lavamancer.
Just look at the ability. You'll see what I mean.
Posted By:
(11/17/2010 11:52:38 AM)