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In a typical discard deck, with low-cost discard spells like Duress, Hymn to Tourach etc... you often are burning through your hand almost as fast as your opponent. However with this card, it is a 2-for-1 in terms of card advantage it also has some library manipulation stapled to it. It can change your next two draws from Swamp, Swamp (or other dead draws) to something you may want lategame as a finisher, even if you cast it and find out you like what you see on top of your library, it's knowledge you don't get from Mind Rot.

Also, the artwork is hilarious.
Posted By: tcollins (3/16/2013 4:25:46 PM)


I'd play this over mind rot because I roughly cast either one at the same point in the game. They usually have 2 cards in their hand by turn 4, and the scry 2 helps a lot more than you think. Ask Preordain and Serum Visions and Magma Jet. Also, it does something even if they have no cards in hand, which is more than can be said about Mind Rot.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (9/7/2011 9:13:55 PM)


Why would you use Mind Rot when you can use this for 1 more mana.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (3/24/2011 2:19:44 PM)


go check out how many black cards have scry... learn to appreciate the rarities... it's actually the best black scry card too
Posted By: Shinigami-2099 (3/12/2011 9:22:43 PM)


Scry 2.
Posted By: Gear61 (2/3/2010 7:51:18 PM)


Is this like a cycle with magma jet or something?

They take a generic common, add 1 mana, and make it scry 2
Posted By: channelblaze (11/13/2010 1:37:26 PM)


Why would you use this when you can use Mind Rot for 1 less mana.
Posted By: Akb778 (11/26/2009 6:48:05 AM)


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