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"Brainfreeze is going to always take at the very least 14 storm to win. The card is terrible."
Troll much? 14 Storm is pretty trivial.

And I'm pretty damn sure that brain freeze is an alternate win-con for a lot of blue decks that cast a lot of spells, especially in legacy. Omni-show runs it with Petals of Insight in case they whiff with Emrakul or Griselbrand, and High Tide runs it alongside Blue Sun's Zenith in case they are short on mana but high on storm by the time they hit Cunning Wish.

Besides, Tendrils of Agony-based storm decks have the distinct disadvantage of not being able to effectively run essential counters, like Force of Will or Daze due to them not being blue and due to the fact that they would get nuked by showing FoW during an Ad Nauseam dive. Although B... (see all)
Posted By: strider24seven (5/23/2013 12:03:34 PM)


One of my favourite finishers! Insane with cantrips and card drawing! 4.5/5
Posted By: Combofriend (7/2/2013 9:18:36 PM)


My god. Dat Sturm. We need this in modern, my body needs this in life.
Posted By: GiganticQPunch (8/5/2013 8:34:51 AM)


The artwork is no more confusing than the fact somebody thought this card was balanced.
Posted By: Arachnos (8/16/2013 2:50:33 PM)


Play Cloudstone Curio, then use Crimson Kobolds, Crookshank Kobolds and/or Kobolds of Kher Keep so whenever you play one of the kobolds, you take another back. Then when you play this, just pick up your deck and throw it at your opponent. And if you have Brainfreeze in there, throw your opponent's deck too.
Posted By: Lord_Egotist (10/25/2013 1:40:10 PM)


In the right deck, this is just Omniscience with a side of Enter the Infinite, but on one card for only 6 mana.
Posted By: SirLibraryEater (12/28/2013 10:23:41 AM)


Nice way to shuffle after that Brainstorm you just cast...
Posted By: JunkHarvester (2/6/2014 1:07:24 PM)


What happens when you mix Upheaval, Mind's Desire, and Emrakul, the Aeons Torn? Something a little like this: http://www.twitch.tv/slio9/c/4116056
Posted By: Continue (4/22/2014 9:10:37 PM)


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