this guy is cool, you can maybe turn your goblins into other goblins! ...or maybe not!
Posted By:
(5/12/2010 1:34:46 AM)
Ah, yes. I got the Scourge Goblin Mob deck yesterday for fun, and this guy came with it. Amazing interactions with Goblin Sledder (Which came in the same precon)
Posted By:
(12/31/2010 10:49:11 AM)
Love that flavor text.
Posted By:
(7/20/2011 9:13:41 AM)
At first glance, it seems nice- recycling your goblins into either more goblins or less lands in your way. However, you have to pay 3 for that, and most good goblins cost less than 3. Siege-Gang Commander, maybe, you'll usually be getting the creature at a loss and you don't have a choice AND you aren't casting it so you can't kick it (I'm looking at you, Goblin Bushwhacker).
Once you get past that, there's a lot of combo potential here. Goblin Bombardment is a good sac outlet and damage dealer, add in Mana Echoes and a red filter and you can blow through every goblin in your deck! Also note that you can activate the ability off of tokens- sac them to Siege-Gang and replace.
Posted By:
(12/9/2011 6:34:19 AM)
Just staying in tribal, he works nicely with Goblin Recruiter and Goblin Spy. Boggart Harbinger, too, if you're going
Posted By:
(10/21/2013 2:08:16 PM)
Ideatog is forgetting that this is not only playing a creature without paying for it directly, but it's essentially card draw. Card advantage is huge, and draw without discard is rare in red.
Posted By:
(3/19/2014 9:49:32 PM)
Yo Dawg, I heard you like goblins, so we put...
Posted By:
(1/11/2011 12:11:15 PM)