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Community Rating: 4.149 / 5  (84 votes)
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This car also works wonder in Simic deck where +1/+1 counter adds a lot of control to the board.

@ Belz_ : You restrict your creativity by thinking that Simic decks can ONLY use G/U creatures.
Posted By: Cyberium (7/26/2011 7:53:34 PM)


Booster juice for my artifacts I love it.
Posted By: ToastRecon (7/29/2012 3:50:23 PM)


It's great that it doesn't have to be your creature. This means you can hijack any non-shrouded/hexproofed creature on the board with Cytoplast Manipulator and Liquimetal Coating if the creature you want isn't an artifact.

You can even steal a noncreature artifact this way with Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas, and then it's a 6/6 in addition to whatever it normally is.
Posted By: jfre81 (8/29/2012 4:39:22 AM)


Magistrate's Scepter
Posted By: MattLynn (4/12/2013 5:31:10 PM)


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