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Community Rating: 1.419 / 5  (37 votes)
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Could be worse.
It could be a sorcery.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (2/11/2013 7:07:06 AM)


One of the more attractive portraits of Hanna.
Posted By: BegleOne (6/30/2013 4:26:10 PM)


Context is everything. At the time green's artifact destruction was rare, expensive or with drawbacks - this was before Naturalize was in green's pie, so this was a costly Shatter for green. Still, this was not a great card, even for its time.
Posted By: Equinox523 (7/6/2013 9:18:33 PM)


Welp... It's strictly better to have than Naturalize if you were Mindslaver'ed....
Posted By: Ferlord (8/1/2013 10:48:35 AM)


Green already had Crumble way back from Antiquities (and it became a staple, finding its way into Revised edition), so there was no reason for the design team to make a card like Verdigris anyhow. Crumble is far superior; the difference between G and 2G is huge for instant-speed removal. Letting your opponent gain a couple life is a worthy tradeoff. Also, you could always Crumble your own artifacts to gain life in a pinch. Oh, and Crumble stopped artifact creatures from regenerating, too.

There's no reason to print strictly-worse versions of "off color" effects. Shatter and Disenchant might be better than Crumble overall, but at least Crumble wasn't completely inferior to either card. Things are much more interesting with each spell having its own advantages, instead of one thing being a cheap inferior knockoff of something else.
Posted By: DrJack (12/18/2013 7:29:36 AM)


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