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It doesn't do a whole lot by itself. Lightning Greaves was printed in the same Set, does basically the same (unless you plan on dropping more than one creature per turn), without giving your opponents creatures haste, but also grants shround and can be played by any color.

I really want to like this. I have a soft spot for 1-mana rare enchantments. But it really only has a place in some of the more obscure combo decks. Like:

Mana Echoes + Goblin Warrens + Mass Hysteria
Posted By: Kiro (5/18/2011 10:17:14 AM)


Works very well in many combo decks, like Flash Hulk.
Posted By: Fade_To_Black (8/29/2009 9:56:37 AM)


I like to finish with some form of mass-removal, this, and Devastating Summons.
Posted By: Mr.Wimples (8/31/2011 4:06:34 PM)


MaRo says he designed this as a remade Concordant Crossroads.
Posted By: Morgaledh (9/1/2012 7:31:10 PM)


I prefer Concordant Crossroads, because green has elves.
Posted By: BongRipper420 (10/6/2012 5:53:00 PM)


Mass hasteria.
Posted By: neongecko06 (11/24/2012 10:59:16 AM)


This card here, along with Giant Adephage, and Breath of Fury make for an awesome combo. I'm going to be making a deck with 4 of each of these cards. Infinite combat steps, here I come! As other cards aside from this combo, cards like Desperate Ritual, Pyretic Ritual, Seething Song, and of course mana ramping elves, will make the deck extremely fast. Could even toss in some Rubblehulk's to give some added boosts to the Giant Adephage to get his trample damage through.

Not to mention, this is a fraction of the cost of Concordant Crossroads.
Posted By: Deadling (9/1/2013 6:47:11 PM)


Absolutely gorgeous in a Battle Cry deck. Hasty Signal Pest and Goblin Wardriver are hilarious. And giving your opponent's creatures haste is not a disadvantage. Seriously, who DECREASES their available blockers against an RDW deck.

When you are staring down an army of Memnites with a Goblin Guide leading them, you are not going to tap your creatures.

In the right deck, there is no drawback.

Posted By: RazorYeti (5/21/2014 6:22:54 PM)


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