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Awesome card and a must-have in any Trostani, Selesnya's Voice EDH deck.
Posted By: Sootoo (10/11/2012 2:55:02 PM)


Combos with Pristine Talisman, which then reads as follows:
Tap to gain 1 life and choose one – Add 1 to your mana pool or draw a card.

Even better when you use Voltaic Key to keep doing it.
Posted By: Ninjay (12/5/2012 2:45:01 PM)


This thing is amazing. With cards like Soul Warden, Soul's Attendant, and Auriok Champion on the field, you don't even have to cast spells to benefit from this. You can just save all your mana and wait for your opponent to cast creatures.
Posted By: ThePieManOfDeath (12/7/2012 1:48:09 PM)


Oh, Mirrodin block. They really did not know how to balance cards at that point did they?

Posted By: psychichobo (12/13/2012 4:36:36 PM)


This card... how I failed to notice it despite having a lifegain deck... oh the shame! It's so darn good! If you have any dependable lifegain per turn, even just 1 life per turn (Wall of Reverence, I'm looking at you) that's +1 card advantage per turn for a very, very small cost.

But then you get out something silly like a Baneslayer Angel, and its just bonkers. 5 cards for 5 mana, while also getting the opponent closer to death and putting your life total in a safer position? Are you kidding? That's very, very good. Throw it in a monowhite lifegain deck with an Emeria engine for the lategame, and getting 8+ cards in hand even leads to free creatures via Emeria's recursion. And in that case, just include a couple Mistveil Plains - which happen to contribute to Emeria's plains count - just in case you get close to a 0 card library, which can easily happen if your draw engine is allowed to proceed uninterrupted.
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (12/20/2012 4:12:51 AM)


I was looking for a card draw engine for my casual elf deck so I don't have to top deck it. This with wellwisher in elf tribal maybe a couple priests of titania and I might as well play with the whole deck
Posted By: Misgidedyuthtz (2/28/2013 1:55:57 AM)


Nice combo with words of worship or ivory tower.
Posted By: Zoroaster85 (3/2/2013 11:20:24 PM)


Pristine Talisman = Tap and draw a card. You're welcome :)
Posted By: Earthdawn (4/5/2013 8:36:55 AM)


Its like a permanent version of Sphinx's Revelation

4/5 Stars
Posted By: Hunter06 (6/15/2013 6:51:16 AM)


Beacon of Immortality gives this card wet dreams

Boon Reflection makes this card faster

Exquisite Blood is the endgamer!!!!!
Posted By: TurboBaby (10/28/2013 3:59:46 PM)


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