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Community Rating: 4.585 / 5  (142 votes)
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Wasteland decks are rather hardcore. I don't see the point in playing a deck that's great in legacy in the Classic room where most of the players are at best playing Extended or Modern decks, but for some reason you see a lot of people ignoring that basic code of etiquette.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (10/12/2012 12:37:56 AM)


MockTurtles does a good job of explaining it, but it is banned in Legacy, and only Restricted in Vintage.
I was pretty shocked to see the price myself.
Posted By: kiseki (7/27/2011 11:24:10 AM)


Very good card. It's a narrower version of Strip Mine, but it's still a good land.
Posted By: Dr_Draco (7/15/2009 8:19:18 PM)


It's great against man lands like Treetop Village and Faerie Conclave, but really falls short against fetch lands (Flooded Strand, Bloodstained Mire) unless they fetch a non-basic.

Still one of my favorite cards
Posted By: BOSH235 (8/5/2009 2:28:53 PM)


This is my favorite Magic card! I would always play 4, 2 of which were signed by Ben Rubin. I always top-decked the two signed copies at the perfect moment.
Posted By: WOTC_MikeTurian (11/12/2008 8:05:26 AM)


Strip mine is vintage restricted, and you need to have the power 9 to play in that format. Wasteland only saw one set printing, and you can run x4 of in legacy, which is a much more popular format. Also, strip mine saw two printings.

So why the "rare" strip mine is only 5 dollars, and the uncommon wasteland is 55 dollars. Classic Supply and Demand.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (11/2/2012 10:18:39 PM)


@vh_2k, I'm in the same boat. I must have 10+ of these things; back during Tempest in my play area, nobody used it, so I'd always trade for them (I had a land hate deck that I loved to play). Now for some reason, they're worth $40+. I don't know why, especially when Strip Mine is much easier to find, and is only around $10. Of those I have several as well. I'd most certainly take Strip Mine over Wasteland any day. Granted, I now only play EDH, and Strip Mine isn't banned there, so that might have something to do with it.
Posted By: endersblade (6/11/2011 12:25:44 PM)


Very handy for getting rid of thoese annoying nonland cards. Having a group of them would be deadly.
Posted By: PaladinOfSunhome (9/18/2009 7:10:41 AM)


I have a deep hate of this card. I tend to have nearly no land (I can mulligan down to 0 cards without having a single land in every hand, and that's in a normal 2/5 land ratio). Because of this, every single land is precious, and this card alone can make me unable to play for a lot of turns. This card is in my personal ban list for that reason. And I absolutely refuse to change all my dual lands for basic lands just because of that card.
Posted By: Daikoru (9/28/2010 8:58:33 PM)


Who knew this card's price on the secondary market would have skyrocketed like it did? I got a bunch of these out of packs and out of $1 bins back in the day - I own at least two play sets, all in mint condition. *shrug* This game mystifies me sometimes.
Posted By: vh_2k (1/19/2011 10:56:58 PM)


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