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This card is one of the most unfun cards ever printed.
Posted By: Okuu-chan (10/14/2012 4:08:20 PM)


@DFG_Danger: You'd be safe.

@Arachibutyrophobia: It's kinda risky slowly killing yourself with this to get a win out of Barren Glory, seeing as how your opponent could have some sort of spot removal waiting to be used when you don't have much left on the board.

I'd use Awakening Zone to keep this card alive, or if I had the mana to spare, any of the epic spells (Endless Swarm, Enduring Ideal, Eternal Dominion and Undying Flames, but not Neverending Torment, seeing as how it depends on your hand size... though you could just sacrifice all your permanents and keep your hand, I guess).
Posted By: nammertime (7/22/2010 9:55:49 AM)


Cards don't get much meaner than this. It could probably be really effective if you can manage to make it's ability asymmetrical by say, bouncing it every turn or something.
Posted By: BongRipper420 (10/19/2012 5:18:12 PM)


Why the hell does this cost so much?
Posted By: Forgeling (8/25/2009 11:13:45 AM)


If you have two Goblin Welders in play, you can drop this into your graveyard on your upkeep, then dredge it back up after your opponent's draw step to make it completely one-sided.
Posted By: Kirbster (12/4/2012 10:58:43 AM)


@Donovan: To be fair, Door to Nothingness starts approaching practicality at these sorts of costs.
Posted By: LordRandomness (8/26/2012 10:43:09 PM)


@Arachibutyrophobia : While in theory you could win with this and Barren Glory, the timing is very tricky if you dont have cards in hand.

You would need a exactly a multiple of k permanents + 1 left after you cast Possessed Portal , where k is the number of players in the game. I.e. if there are 4 players total, and you cast it, you need 8 + 1 (the one is the barren glory) permanents in total after casting it. 4 permanents of yours are gone by the time your first upkeep comes around, then on your second upkeep, you have just Barren Glory, to win.

I wouldnt recommend Barren Glory because if you dont have the conditions exactly right, it won't work.
Posted By: rook2pawn (9/10/2012 3:55:18 AM)


What happens if someone plays this and I have a Tajuru Preserver out? Would I have to discard a card, or would the effect be stopped altogether?
Posted By: DFG_Danger (6/22/2010 12:29:47 PM)


OMG I made a card a lot like this a couple of months ago!

Mythic Rare
Tribal Enchantment: D*uchebag
If an opponent drew three or more cards this turn, you may play Rickroll’d without paying its mana cost.
Your opponents skip their draw step.
During your upkeep, each opponent must discard a card. If they can’t, exile all of their creatures.

Granted, mine is faaaaaaaaaaar more powerful and stupidly insane, but it's the same basic principle: No draws, must discard or creatures pay!
Posted By: Shadoflaam (3/27/2011 10:22:05 AM)


Question: Can you still use draw replacement effects such as Dredge? If that's the case, I could see some kind of Dredge lockdown combo deck built around this, using things like Life from the Loam and Grave-shell Scarab.
Posted By: achilleselbow (8/14/2010 4:05:33 PM)


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