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Community Rating: 4.414 / 5  (128 votes)
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Fantastic card. Besides the obvious infinite combo synergy with 5+ mana producing creatures like Priest of Titania and Rofellos, it's still great in any deck that gains access to a large amount of mana and needs a way to dump it.

Personally, I have it in a mono-black control deck that focuses on card advantage, and gaining access to Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth + Cabal Coffers for some insane mana ramp off lands alone. Playing that deck, if I'm at the end of the opponent turn with lands untapped, I can usually get at least 2 card draws which is pretty nice - helps me get closer to finding that Consume Spirit for lethal damage.

If it's earlier in the game and I'm short a removal spell, I can tap down multiple creatures. Also handy.

And I mean, if you have 2 mana spare gaining life isn't the worst thing you can do.

It's just so versatile and good. Easily a 4.5.
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (8/17/2011 3:38:40 AM)


such an underused card in EDH, dont know why either
Maybe because it's banned?
Posted By: swords_to_exile (2/10/2012 4:43:56 PM)


As Worshop MUD decks didn't have enough metagame dominance. An excellent tech that made the classic prison deck evolve into a combo alternative win condition.
Posted By: zk3 (2/25/2011 10:58:54 AM)


Could be pretty decent on a Myr Welder.
Posted By: armogohma (2/1/2011 2:16:07 PM)


you can use other infinite mana combos to fuel it too, like power artifact and any of like 20 artifacts (1 example is Grim Monolith), mana reflection does it too, with those artifacts. such an underused card in EDH, dont know why either
Posted By: ArKive (3/10/2010 6:34:58 AM)


Most players agree its too strong for the format so its been added to a player enforced ban list.

This site makes things pretty clear:

Posted By: Bandswithother (11/11/2010 4:09:59 PM)


If you have got the mana this thing can really become a game changer. Also very nice that its useable anywhere from early game to late game.
Posted By: Silverware (8/27/2009 12:35:52 AM)


this card + Priest of Titania + 5 elves = infinite mana loop
Posted By: Spideredd (1/10/2010 2:13:45 PM)


My first impression of this is bad since the utility forced high costs for all of the abilities.
0 is what it costs to gain a life with Braidwood Cup
1 is what it costs to tap a creature with Icy Manipulator
2 is what it costs to untap a creature with Puppet Strings
4 is what it costs to draw a card with Jayemdae Tome
And of course additional uses cost an additional 1.
If you are going to generate an obscene amount of mana, either with or without this artifact, then it shines. Well no, it just wins you the game. So it sucks without much mana, and it is so easy to go infinite that it is boring with lots of mana.
Well, my opinion remains bad. Fancy that.
Maybe I will include my copy in a Braid of Fire deck since it can't go infinite...
Posted By: kiseki (7/28/2011 4:19:55 PM)


This has no comments? none at all? Okay, wow....um, Well it kinda looks like the Dream Chisel. This card loves to be comboed with. Like many things in Mirrodin it's an engine.
Posted By: Forgeling (8/25/2009 7:01:51 PM)


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