So if I had Mikaeus, the Unhallowed, two Ferropedes, some form of blanket haste (such as Anger in the graveyard) and I put Breath of Fury on one, shouldn't that create an infinite combat loop?
Ferropede A has Breath, hits player, sacced, Breath moves to Ferropede B.
Ferropede B has Breath, hits player, removes +1/+1 counter from Ferropede A, gets sacced, and moves the Breath back to A.
Each combat resets the other 'pede's undying counter.
Posted By:
(9/5/2013 9:51:41 AM)
@NinjaShadow: That is indeed correct. Centipedes belong to the subphylum "Myriapoda" which literally means "many feet", while the insects belong to "Hexapoda", which fittingly enough means "six feet".
@Designer_Genes: Insects are extremely similar to myriapods in the same way that you are extremely similar to a trout. Arthropods make up about 75% of the world's animal species, while vertebrates make up about 2%. There's really greater differences, both physically and genetically, between a centipede and bee than there is between a human and a frog.
Posted By:
(1/6/2014 6:08:29 PM)