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Community Rating: 4.163 / 5  (46 votes)
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running it along with reassembling skeleton and korlash, heir to blackblade is just OG black warrior prowess.
Posted By: heavyterror (3/14/2013 12:12:36 AM)


This card was a COMMON in Stronghold?! Absolutely insane. Karador EDH loves this.
Posted By: Snock (10/1/2013 5:12:50 AM)


As long as you control Tortured Existence, every creature in your hand can be cast as an instant-speed, uncounterable Raise Dead. That seems extremely powerful. Off the top of my head, I'd use it in a Black or Green creature ramp deck. Once I start drawing mana dorks in the late-game, I can start cycling them out to reuse threats like Shadowborn Demon or utility creatures like Shriekmaw. Good GOD, Shadowborn Demon! That seems so incredibly strong that I think I need to go build a deck around it.

By the way, if you combo this with Survival of the Fittest instead of just comparing the two, you get "BlackGreen: Search your library for a creature card and put it into your graveyard. Then shuffle your library." It's practically Entomb on a stick.
Not that you need Entomb on a stick when you have Survival of the Fittest; you can just ... (see all)
Posted By: Ragamander (10/17/2013 5:15:25 AM)


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