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Community Rating: 4.552 / 5  (116 votes)
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Combos with Teferi's Veil.
Posted By: Grumman (9/10/2011 1:29:49 PM)


With the release of Innistrad, Sneak Attack can readily utilize the power of Balefire Dragon to very quickly achieve battlefield card advantage.
Posted By: AmericanVigor (9/27/2011 2:32:22 PM)


@mikebeingmike: I'll walk you through this card with Sundial of the Infinite. You have this and Sundial in play, pay {R}, put something amazing onto the battlefield. At the end of your turn, this card's sacrifice trigger goes on the stack. When you activate Sundial of the Infinite, everything on the stack is exiled and doesn't happen. Since the sacrifice trigger didn't resolve, your creature doesn't get sacrificed.

I love this card even if you don't run Sundial of the Infinite with it; it's just so Red: I'm faster than you, and now you're dead. Yes, my hand is empty and all of my creatures are in the graveyard now, but I won, so that doesn't really matter.
Posted By: sarroth (1/24/2012 2:20:30 PM)


GOD DAMN, I keep thinking you can only use its ability once a turn. Drop a Emrakul and a Progenitus on the same turn! This thing is freakin insane.
Posted By: scorpiolegend (3/7/2012 8:28:08 PM)


Turn 1: Mountain + Orcish Lumberjack
Turn 2: Forest, tap it for (G) then sack it for (R)(R/G)(R/G) using Orcish Lumberjack. Cast Sneak Attack. Use it to cast Blightsteel Colossus and attack with it. Win?
Posted By: Taika_Apina (5/1/2012 3:58:22 PM)


Cough. Second Sunrise Cough.
Posted By: LeakyTeacup (5/12/2012 7:19:36 PM)


Penumbra wurm? 6/6 trample haste then 6/6 trample staying on the field for R... OK!
4 stars because it's hard to make a deck with fatties and rely on a 4cmc enchant.
Posted By: BanZZai (7/6/2012 11:00:43 AM)


Ludicrously good- as if 6 pages of various examples and combos wasn't enough to get the point across. The card is hovering around $35 on the secondary market, so it's near-impossible for a a casual player to get one- man how I would ever like a playset of these! There's so much nasty in this card- circumvents mana cost as well as color, the drawback is nigh-negligible and since it was printed, the number of cards to sneak out as gone up tremendously. I really wish they'd reprint it in a Duel Decks or Commander set, or something- no way we'd see this in Standard, ever again. I could see them printing an equivalent that costs 2RR... wait, even THAT might be too good! The closest I could see to them reprinting it would be a sorcery that costs 2RR, so one-time use only.
Posted By: Lord_Ascapelion (11/19/2012 8:58:27 AM)


Turn 1: Mountain / Swamp
Turn 2: Mountain / swamp (ideally a mountain and swamp in play)
Turn 2: dark ritual
Turn 2: Rite of Flame
Turn 2: Sneak Attack
Turn 2: Blightsteel Colossus

Thanks for playing.

One of my favorite cards ever.
Posted By: MANABURNWASGOOD (11/28/2012 8:02:52 PM)


So its like a repeatable flash that also gives you haste.

lol. At least it costs double the cc of flash.
Posted By: Ancestral_Forget (12/28/2012 4:37:29 PM)


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