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Community Rating: 3.976 / 5  (41 votes)
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take that Thopter Sword!
Posted By: OverfiendSurprise (6/1/2010 11:42:23 PM)


Gix should get his own card. He's still out there somewhere.
Posted By: Polychromatic (4/9/2011 11:33:32 AM)


develish and superpowered.
Posted By: bantar (5/24/2012 2:04:58 PM)


This card is simply fantastic! I have 4 of them in my mono-black control/combo deck, and it goes off with such a bang, my opponents don't know what to do. The deck doesn't even need a lot a creatures to be played, and it goes very well combo wise.
For example:
This+Grave Pact+Grave Titan= A lot of death from the opponent's point of view, and just for saccing the zombie tokens generated by Grave Titan. It comes in, sac the tokens, (plus a land or something for Grave Titan hitting the field) and due to Grave Pact, the opponent sacs 2 creatures and or lands every time Grave Titan attacks and hits the battlefield. In my deck, this combo isn't hard to pull off and it's one out of a few more combos in my deck.
The combos aren't hard to pull off in my deck due to cards such as Necropotence and Demonic Tutor.
Posted By: demonknight18 (11/24/2012 11:05:33 PM)


If I had this in play, then played a Sleeper Agent, who would be the one that would end up sacrificing something?
Posted By: Iambladesworn (12/8/2012 9:27:55 PM)


@iambladesworn: When Sleeper Agent enters the battlefield, its triggered ability goes on the stack, as does the triggered ability of Tainted Aether. Since you control both abilities you can stack them however you choose. If you choose to put Tainted Aether on the stack first, followed by Sleeper Agent, then Sleeper Agent's triggered ability resolves first, your opponent gains control of it, and then Tainted Aether's triggerered ability resolves and the controller of Sleeper Agent (your opponent) has to sacrifice something.

However as someone else in this thread noted, Sleeper Agent doesn't really work well with this card, as they can just sac Sleeper Agent, losing you cards and mana without actually doing anything.
Posted By: adrian.malacoda (3/3/2013 4:03:10 PM)


This looks insane for legacy, although it is a bit slow...

3.5/5 Stars
Posted By: Hunter06 (6/5/2013 3:55:51 PM)


I run one in my Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon edh deck. Just drop it after skith and keep swinging.. I also run grave pact and fleshbag for double the fun.
Posted By: swagtusk (7/22/2013 2:18:23 PM)


7th edition art is better
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (10/19/2013 5:33:50 AM)


Experimenting with it in pox.. basically it's completely one-sided recurring creature removal or land destruction.

Combined with the rest of your annoying deck; I think it should be effective.
Posted By: blurrymadness (1/11/2014 2:53:49 PM)


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