I really like the picture - it has a decidedly "children's storybook" feel to it. The soft colours certainly make a pleasant impression.
Posted By:
(11/8/2010 3:45:21 PM)
In EDH, this is almost always a 4/4 for one mana.
Posted By:
(8/1/2012 1:51:07 AM)
the only one in this series that can be put into a deck without synergies. 4/5 in my book
Posted By:
(4/14/2011 1:38:09 AM)
Cost-wise, this is the best creature.
A 1-cost 4/4. As you always know, all 2/2+'s for 1 cmc have a drawback (like Carnophage, Goblin Guide (if you call that a "drawback"), or Isamaru (being legendary can sometimes be bad)).
This drawback is more defensive, because it's like, "Well, if they have something to attack with, here's a nice blocker". It may stop your opponent from playing big creatures.
It kind of has a similar effect that Slumbering Dragon does on your opponents: "Oh, you going to attack me while I have this guy out? Yeah, ok."
As GooberSnotpants said, Giant Growth-ing one of their 1/1's is the best way to turn-2 have a 4/4 beast.
Posted By:
(11/8/2012 12:01:23 PM)
turn 1. this
end of opponent's turn 1. exile elvish spirit guide--> giant growth on their one drop
turn 2. start swinging for 4
Posted By:
(2/11/2010 9:27:35 AM)
Not one of the good "hidden" enchantments. The Guerrillas and Gibbons had the potential to come online very early, and didn't require a permanent type that could necessarily block them. It could very well take a lot longer for your opponent to get a 4-power creature than for him or her to cast an instant or artifact spell of any CMC. That creature will also likely have some additional abilities beyond what your vanilla token does, so you probably won't even match what they place across from you.
Posted By:
(7/13/2011 3:01:17 PM)
What are these creatures anyways? They look a bit Vizzerdrix-like.
Posted By:
(2/17/2013 5:10:10 AM)