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Community Rating: 4.731 / 5  (1174 votes)
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@greendestiny: Targeting Black Lotus with artifact destruction usually causes your opponent to crack it for mana. Not even Krosan Grip works because the ability doesn't use the stack.

@wgillespie: No, the Lotus doesn't counter anything. The old wording with "interrupt" meant the ability was quicker than instants, now mana abilities don't use the stack, and thus are quicker than instants. No need for redundant text.
Posted By: Rainyday2012 (7/27/2009 6:32:23 PM)


To everyone who doesn't understand the value of this card, either grow a brainstem or stop playing Magic.

And to everyone who can agree that this is the greatest Magic card ever printed, so what...
I started playing Magic too late to ever see one of these in physical form, and I doubt I ever will. All of this hooping and hollering about combo this and combo that, in my opinion, needs to stop unless you've got a couple grand to drop on one of these. You can dream, but keep it to yourself, please.

And to all of the middle-grounders, what are you on? This is quite obviously the greatest card ever printed on a piece of cardstock since your mother was born.
Posted By: Beekhead (2/2/2010 3:45:33 PM)


it doesn't cost 200 dollars more like 1000.
Posted By: energeticpenguin (4/23/2009 8:43:08 PM)


Combos with Darksteel Forge quite nicely. t1: land, Black Lotus x3, Darksteel forge. t2: plains, Black Lotus, Frantic Salvage. Then just go crazy with 9 mana your next turn, 13 the turn after that, and 17 the next. At minimum it's a $12-15,000 deck, but whatever. We can dream.
Posted By: chrismus (4/30/2012 4:46:58 PM)


This card actually is probably the best card ever...
Posted By: Benjerman (11/11/2008 4:14:29 PM)


3 free mana? What if I draw this late game? This card blows!

Posted By: LTJZamboni (4/26/2010 11:29:55 AM)


Strictly better than Storm Crow.
Posted By: Wudikind (3/14/2010 8:53:45 PM)


Mana Drain is much better because you can get a bunch of free mana, and on top of that it counters a target spell for just UU. Black Lotus is decent, but not the best. It's only expensive because of it's rarity and symbolic nature of Wizards. I understand what makes this card good, but I still don't believe it's the best card in Magic.
Posted By: Kitty_the_Kat (10/17/2010 9:42:29 PM)


Defintately the best card yet.
Posted By: efresh831 (1/8/2010 10:15:50 PM)


Overly broken doesn't warrant a 5 out of 5, it warrants a ban, and a rethink by the R & D team.
Posted By: desolation_masticore (3/2/2011 4:24:30 AM)


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