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Community Rating: 4.731 / 5  (1174 votes)
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Its power is showed not only by what it does but also by its limitation in Vintage (T1): you can play 1 of it in your deck and only in T1.
It's really one of the best cards which can be played and its cost (if it's in good condition) is around 750-1000 Dollars/Euros (or more if it's Alpha or Beta), really the only one which costs so much (besides cards like the 1996 champion...which are unique...but it's another story and they're not so much good as Black Lotus...).
Posted By: Emross (6/2/2009 3:15:51 AM)


At first, I didn't understand what the big deal about this card was- Then I saw the 0 mana cost. Now I get it.
Posted By: sir_dwar (8/5/2009 11:08:30 AM)


This is a great card. It belongs in every deck. It's sad that it's illegal in tournys, and I don't think that any version of it is worth $89,000, but if they dropped the price by... oh... 99.99%, I'd have a bunch of them. If I got a three mana cost card with haste and a black lotus, I could deal up to four damage on turn one!
Posted By: JK-117 (7/6/2010 10:39:07 AM)


Honestly, not a big fan of it. I understand completely why it's absolutely broken, but that's why I don't like it. First Turn Kills aren't fun, and should only ever be used in hyper-competitive money-situations. This card provides little more than a one-turn mega-boost, which at only three mana, can do little to actually progress the game early on UNLESS being used in some raunchy FTK combo; unless you use it to play like, mana flare or something. Good card, I'd definitely like to own one, but there are a huge list of cards I'd rather own and get much more enjoyment out of.

Probably just the Spike-hating Johnny in me though, so feel free to eat me alive; I just don't find it amusing or worth my time when a whole game is just "shuffle your deck, reveal your opening hand, explain why you already won and neither person should have wasted their time or money to play glorified Rock-Paper-Scissors"
Posted By: Dr.Pingas (7/12/2011 10:51:37 PM)


What is an 'interrupt'?
Posted By: Guest882324448 (11/15/2009 10:31:32 PM)


Best card ever printed. 5/5 on a bad day.
Posted By: ParishInquisitor (3/14/2013 11:29:12 AM)


Someone must be hate-rating this card. It is definitely five stars but lets all try to vote this thing up. No one who plays magic would ever rate this card less than 5 stars.

Lets make this happen people!
Posted By: vantha (4/30/2013 7:25:20 AM)


When this as well as other obscenely powerful cards such as ancestral knowledge and time walk were introduced the Magic developers did not have the foresight nor the experience to understand what they were doing. The developers of Magic now have a long history of experience and have learned from their mistakes, and therefore understand how to balance the game better than they did in the early days.
Posted By: jigglefloyd (6/20/2009 1:22:41 PM)


Best Card Ever Next To BaneWasp Affliction
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (5/31/2009 9:29:05 PM)


The card for every deck.
Now, where to get $8000 for a full playset.
Posted By: Spideredd (9/20/2009 4:44:13 AM)


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