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Community Rating: 4.731 / 5  (1174 votes)
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only 3 mana? if needs to add AT LEAST 10 mana to be of any use
Posted By: kroen (10/14/2009 8:26:28 AM)


I am sure this is the BEST and perhaps the most USEFUL card ever...
I heard it costs 200 dollars...
Posted By: macic666 (2/28/2009 4:52:20 AM)


AAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!!!!!! PEOPLE ARE BAD MOUTHING THE LOTUS!!!!!!!!! IDIOTS!!!!!!!!! Ever think that maybe, just MAYBE...there is a reason black lotus is a $5000.00 card? (and the 5k is just when i last saw it a year ago, ive heard it has all but doubled in price since then.) As people have said before me, its restricted so you can only have 1 in your deck, but droping turn 1 for 0 mana to gain 3 of any color is a hell of a deal all its own, not counting the many devestating combos one can come up with for this holy grail of mtg. i forget the exact combo, but using the Power 9 (black lotus is obviously one of them), one would be able to swing for 20+ with a Shivan Dragon before an oponent even had a chance to play ther first land. BAck when the power 9 was widely obtainable and used by everyone, tournament games were often decided by whoever went first.


Clavat99's Hall of Newbie Shame (Black Lotus Edition):

My ... (see all)
Posted By: Clavat99 (5/14/2011 9:31:39 AM)


People are either rating this 5 Stars for sheer broken power, or they're rating it much lower for 'badly Designed- ergo not fun- ergo not "good" as I define good which includes more than win-probability increase power"

Actually, after looking a lot at Vintage lists, there are some cards that I would expect to see WAY more often in decklists, and yet don't have the ubiquity their reputation suggests they should. Black Lotus is just such one of these cards, and while it's *potential* is simply screamingly powerful, it *looks* like the Vintage players of today don't just slam it in lists because they own it- Oh they DO run it, a lot, but also, I've seen WINNING decklists for Vintage that use mana and do not use Black Lotus- why not then?

Chalice of the Void is an Anti-0 cost Hate Tech in Vintage. I don't think it's the explanation, but I mention that card more as a question than a statement- do that, Null Rod and other hate really account for anything less than 100%... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (10/6/2012 2:35:49 AM)


Best card ever in Magic's history. 5/5
Posted By: LadiesMan117 (3/4/2013 10:52:55 AM)


How come this wasn't reprinted in the Urza block?
Posted By: talcumpowder0046 (3/9/2013 5:34:05 AM)


why do ppl think this card is good. all you do is mana burn for 3, who would want that unless you can get puberty on the firtst tirst
Posted By: inmypants22 (8/18/2009 2:57:34 PM)


This is a pretty good card, but its not worth the hype. Worse than Dark Ritual because it dies to shatter.
Posted By: BalonyPony (12/29/2009 6:03:02 PM)


Not the best card ever...that's ancestral vision...but amazing nonetheless!
Posted By: Peaceout734 (11/16/2008 3:03:11 PM)


magic should be done in a way that no game ever could end before turn 4-5
Posted By: TheMoustacheCame (7/12/2010 10:52:50 AM)


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