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Something tells me that all of these comments from 2009 are saying this is crap because they have no idea of the horrors of "Card Type- Artifact"
You all do realize this almost races Tinker + Darksteel/Blightsteel Colossus?
I'm not sure how this would fare vs. Arcbound Ravager....but, I'm certain it's at least playable.
Yeah- the implementations for this are narrow. It just stops all artifact creatures ever.
"Only good for Mirrodin Block?" That's like saying that Glittering Wish is 'Mainly good because of Ravnica and Alara Block" Yeah. These statements are true. These blocks have powerful cards in them that you are very likely to meet since they are more recent than, say, Antiquities, Legends, or the Dark.
I'm not saying this will automatically save you from Artifact decks and therefore you should go out and run and get four right away. I'm just saying it's massively underrated because the comments don't make sense given how powerful and worth hateboarding against I know Artifa... (see all)
Posted By:
(11/3/2011 6:06:56 PM)
In its block, when just about everything was either an artifact or used strong artifacts in some way, this was about all you could ask for.
It's not perfect, but in its environment it was pretty good.
Posted By:
(2/7/2012 2:33:52 PM)
Interesting flavor text considering that the second sentence sort of became a motto of the Mirran resistance in Scars.
Posted By:
(3/29/2012 11:20:21 PM)