Attack with four Birds of Paradise, return 5 plains to my hand-20 damage with flying 0/1 creatures. That's pretty nice.
Posted By:
(7/6/2009 10:27:25 PM)
Incredibly overrated... FogHoly DayFog Patch Any of those three will make you cry now that you've returned all your plains you've got to your hand. And the card forces you to use more basic lands, which is always going to water down your deck. 2/5
Posted By:
(3/17/2010 11:02:54 AM)
As others have side, this is sweep done right.
Posted By:
(11/22/2011 4:36:13 PM)
Good card, but amazing name. There's just something very Lawrence of Arabia, overrun of Aqaba about it.
Posted By:
(11/24/2011 3:33:56 AM)
Brave the elements is less risky, but this indeed wins games the moment it resolves.
Posted By:
(1/26/2012 12:16:00 AM)
I don't really remember the last time I saw a Fog being played... Anyway, this is risky, but is a solid, unexpected finisher.
Posted By:
(1/26/2012 5:13:42 PM)
Brb... buying Balance, Land Tax, a bunch of Knights, this, and Reconnaissance.
Posted By:
(1/10/2013 12:14:23 PM)
It wins games out of literally nowhere due to instant speed. Put on your poker face and be like, "I guess I will attack". After they let a couple through instead of trading BAM.
Posted By:
(7/15/2013 1:20:54 AM)
Certainly some way to get a lot of Plains out, like Summer Bloom, Exploration etc. some token maybe from Spectral Procession then this and Armageddon way earlier than is reasonable? That'd be hilarious in casual though it would probably work better with Plow through Reito as far as land screw goes cause this plus tokens should be a kill regardless of what happens with the lands.
Posted By:
(3/29/2014 11:29:05 PM)