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Community Rating: 4.039 / 5  (115 votes)
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Copied an Emrakul once. Annihilator 12 and 30 damage to the face made my opponent very mad.

@Yozuk: I never said it was uncounterable or i received an extra turn. I said i attacked twice, giving me the win.
Posted By: jsttu (8/30/2011 2:43:35 PM)


Actually, Ajani Vengeant is not effected by the legendary rule.
Posted By: Arglypuff (10/24/2010 4:16:16 PM)


It doesn't kill legends, it COPIES them, that's its job.
To rate this card you must understand what kind of things you should copy.
For example: coping a Doran the Siege Tower = bad choice; coping a Rakdos the defiler / Circu, Dimir Lobotomist /Nicol Bolas = good choice.
Posted By: WER386 (12/2/2009 9:05:31 AM)


Going to run some casual combos with this in my EDH Zur deck. Tutor enchants twice/turn? Ooooo yea
Posted By: iPotato (2/28/2010 8:23:38 AM)


(While having either Leyline of Anticipation or Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir in play,) I was thinking about copying Gideon Jura with this... but then thought, does Sakashima remain as a creature at the end of the turn?...

If that's case, then the problem lies in the fact that perhaps at the end of the turn Sakashima refrains from being 6/6 and becomes 0/0 at the end of the turn and one would need a continual booster like glorious anthem/gaea's anthem (or even honor of the pure would work here seeing as Sakasima would become white).

jk! you can't have two planeswalkers with the same type! gotcha! haha
Posted By: raptorman333 (2/27/2012 1:16:06 PM)


Mono-blue EDH... could I make it work? I really want to, this would be an extremely lulzy general.
Posted By: Totema (4/8/2012 2:48:38 AM)


Due to its ability to copy legendary creatures it can create a lot of fun. I've put it into my Scion of the Ur-Dragon/Conspiracy deck, and it's a riot. In a multiplayer game one player gets to take a Phage to the face, while another tackles an Emrakul. Good times. ^^
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (11/20/2010 3:19:14 AM)


"Progenitus, meet Sakashima the Progenitus." The soul of the world has got burrrrrrned.
Posted By: Salient (2/4/2012 8:24:35 PM)


Sweet! :D
So this means it can also copy legendary creatures and live to tell about it, right?
Posted By: Dark_Raider (8/8/2009 4:09:08 AM)


Clone kills legends? Isn't the second legend of the same name the one that is destroyed?
Posted By: bhunji42 (10/11/2009 5:26:23 AM)


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