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On curve common, i like it. Combos with Magma Jet
Posted By: FoxxyEDarko (11/4/2011 6:01:39 PM)


The deception is this: You look at the top card of your library, then attack. Your opponent generally has to treat it as a 3/2 first striker, even if you can't make it one, and not doing so runs them the risk of losing their blocker if your top card is, in fact, a land. It's an interesting concept and the mind games have potential, but the power level of the cards is too low to use it most of the time.
Posted By: LordRandomness (1/5/2012 4:49:41 PM)


Oh I get it because you don't see the last sentence at first, and he deceives you into thinking he's brutal (in limited)!


This is why Kamigawa sucks.
Posted By: Shadoflaam (1/30/2012 11:15:38 AM)


A little clunky, but not without its uses.
This guy is nice to determine if you want to clash or not:
When you don't want to clash, you pump him.
When you do, CLASH!

Also: Aren't those his teeth and real head on the left? If so it gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "Kiss my *ss!"
Posted By: Phelplan (10/14/2013 12:18:56 AM)


Easily the least horrible of the deceivers.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (2/25/2014 2:22:07 PM)


"If it's a land card, you may put it on the bottom of your library and give Brutal Deciever +1/+0 and first strike", letting you skip unecessary land drops. Bump it up to uncommon, and it might've seen play in RDW standard at the time
Posted By: shotoku64 (2/26/2014 8:51:02 PM)


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