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Community Rating: 4.012 / 5  (121 votes)
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7 mana for an unblockable 3/3... sure, it has vigilance and can combine blocking and attacking... but otherwise it would be crap! anyway, by the time you hit 7, it's just not what you need, nor what you want to pay for. 3/5 for being cool, annoying and kid-amazing
Posted By: joker53 (3/7/2012 1:05:26 PM)


he looks like the old man from bleach that head of all the soul reapers
Posted By: rathiron (8/12/2011 7:24:22 AM)


Big, scary samurai that's not a fox! I like it. His indestructibility makes him great for casual or EDH in which you can play him and avoid getting bolted.
He's also super fun with worldslayer.
Posted By: KokoshoForPresident (5/26/2012 12:41:06 PM)


I love the flavour. I might well make a white edh deck and throw him in with Avacyn as commander. He's not that great a card (Avacyn overshadows him in every way) but he has great flavour. I think he should have flash to improve the flavour further. If he had that, he could compete with Avacyn.
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (3/17/2013 4:13:00 PM)


Not only did Kamigawa feature one of the only white villain cards.

It also featured one of the only Black Hero cards.

Toshiro Umezawa

It also arguably featured the only good MTG books written in quite a while. At least personally I adored them.
Posted By: oafkad (7/17/2013 7:05:43 PM)


This is my dude.

This feels like what Personal Incarnation could've been. Bushido and vigilance together guarantees a lightning bolt to the noggin every round. Being indestructible means that even if you do have red shenanigans, he'll shake most of it. He's also made for shenanigans, like forcing a block with False Orders or the like and giving him trample or a well-timed fling after the block. He's spendy, but there's more than a few pieces like Grand Arbiter Augustin IV to power him out with.

You should always cheat this card out, no exceptions. In T7 it's unimpressive. In T4 or less fresh out of the graveyard it can be a damn scary beast.

4.5/5 W needs more of this, desperately.
Posted By: Psychrates (7/20/2013 9:31:41 AM)


The Tenth Edition flavor text on Pariah really shows Konda's villainy.
Posted By: OlvynChuru (5/7/2014 5:39:37 PM)


If there was some way to give him provoke... Like, Target creature blocks this turn if able. Untap it. Or does that already exist? I'm thinking Ink-treader nephilim + something along the lines of rampage on Konda, and then swinging, would pretty much wipe the defenders board. Overly complicated, but perfect for the inner Johnny.
Posted By: Metallix203 (6/5/2014 5:22:57 PM)


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