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@ Donovan_Fabian
You also didn't even go as crazy as possible.
Turn 1 Forest BoP
Turn 2 Tap BoP and forest for two mana, play Lotus Cobra-Play a fetch, play Azusa, Lost but Seeking. Drop an Ancient Tomb and get green from the Cobra, tap the Tomb and play a second Cobra (leaving one colorless mana floating) and follow up with another fetch. Use that fetch to get you five more mana (4 from landfall triggers and 1 from land). Drop a Titan.

On the draw of course, b... (see all)
Posted By: SIlverSkyz (6/11/2011 5:09:11 PM)


The hills are alive with the sound of music!
Posted By: Nagoragama (6/7/2011 2:03:09 AM)


Azusa mixed with Soratami anything is vicious...

Also, she's great with the double lands from Ravnica or a Khalni Gem, making them juicy in a non-landfall oriented deck.
Posted By: Revan312 (8/13/2010 11:31:12 PM)


Lotus cobra + azusa, turn 1 play a land and birds of paradise, turn 2 play a second land and lotus cobra, turn 3 play a third land, and azusa lost but seeking, then play two more lands from your hand with her ability, giving you another 3, and then go nuts with cards like harrow or if you have a fetch land as one of your 2. Could play like a 10 mana card on turn 3.
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (10/18/2009 6:08:17 PM)


Some might not say the best for landfall, but splice in blue and some Ovinomancer and actually have 3 lands to play a turn in your hand? Yes pleas?
Posted By: jm396 (7/1/2010 12:51:00 PM)


Good with landfall, but quickly becomes less potent once all you play all your lands in your hand.
Posted By: hid@n (6/15/2010 7:19:44 PM)


Hey, it's one of the seven or so good cards from Kamigawa block! Hi, Azusa!
Posted By: Japicx (4/20/2011 11:06:35 AM)


Baru, Fist of Krosa
Posted By: Forgeling (8/23/2009 8:09:09 PM)


So, this is the 'Play in absolutely EVERY Green Commander deck or YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG' card, eh?

I like it. :)
Posted By: DarthParallax (3/9/2012 11:35:48 PM)


I combined this with exploration, armageden and cruciple of worlds for some absolutely nasty results
Posted By: Alpinefroggy (5/11/2010 6:37:43 AM)


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