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On par with the Oracle, with the difference just being if an Oracle is in play, playing Azusa is stricly better.

I would run 2 of each in a landfall deck. 4.5/5
Posted By: gromgrom777 (7/30/2010 9:20:20 PM)


Landfall and/or Crucible of Worlds.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (1/23/2010 8:31:56 AM)


Satomi anything and you have a nasty combo.
Merge that with land fall...
Posted By: Zoah (8/3/2010 4:37:45 AM)


Combine this card with Crucible of Worlds with Strip Mine.
This is hell, for anyone else, whether in 1 vs1 game, or any game that involves multiple players.
Posted By: Blackdemonight (8/29/2010 10:12:20 PM)


Turn 1:Hickory Woodlot or Forest + Birds of Paradise(Or any other one drop mana tap.
Turn 2: Any basic land, this. Island, Hedron Crab, terramorphic expanse, then another island. Mill for 6 cards.
Turn 3: Crucible of Worlds, Amulet of Vigor, Hedron Crab, tap/sac Hickory, play terramorphic again. grab another island, play another Hedron Crab. Play terramorphic again, grab another island, play another Hedron crab. Play terramorphic again. Another land. Mill for a total of 70 cards. Win = Yes.
Cards needed in hand: Hickory Woodlot, Azusa, Lost but Seeking, Terramorphic Expanse, Island, Crucible of Worlds, Amulet of Vigor, Hedron Crab x 4 (10 total cards)
Posted By: Psuedonaut (2/9/2011 7:30:17 AM)


interresting aspect for an EDH mana ramp with her, you would prefer things that put lands to your hand, unlike the normal preferance. Also, draw like harmonize would be preferable to normal mana ramp in said deck. Seer's Sundial and horn of greed work well
Posted By: Kindulas (2/11/2011 4:38:06 PM)


I can't think of a utility card that draws my removal faster than this one. I'll kill it before Elvish Piper. I'll kill it before Master Transmuter. I'll kill it before Disciple of the Vault. I'll kill it before Mother of Runes.

This is just a dirty sexy nasty card. If it doesn't die it will have it's wicked, sadistic way with you.
Posted By: BegleOne (7/18/2011 3:52:25 PM)


We have to go back, Kate.
Posted By: Shadoflaam (11/21/2011 6:52:46 PM)


I run this in my landfall deck. My deck is mixed up with some moonfolk like Meloku. Vey good
Posted By: seratia (2/24/2012 6:53:52 AM)


Crucible of Worlds and Strip Mine will easily win you the game with her, but you better be prepared to get punched in the face. OVER AND OVER AND OVER!
Posted By: surewhynot (11/7/2012 4:57:47 PM)


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