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@ desolation_masticore

There is a more efficient way of playing that out, also assuming if you are on the draw here.

T1: Land, Birds of Paradise
T2: tap bird+land for Lotus Cobra.
Drop a fetch, float 1, fetch, float 2, tap for mana, play Azusa
Drop 2 more fetches, float 2, fetch twice, float 2 more, tap both for mana.

Assuming you are on the draw, that's 6 mana with 2 cards left in hand on Turn 2.

Now, if you dropped something like Magus of the Future, you'd have a very interesting next couple of turns. Especially if it's followed up with something like Scouting Trek
Posted By: Havens (12/19/2013 1:19:55 PM)


Oh Land Girl, your so awesome.
Posted By: TheDoomknight (2/8/2014 11:39:33 PM)


This was so much fun with Meloku back in the day.
Posted By: Reishyn (5/19/2014 5:09:03 PM)


So you may play *up to* two additional lands each turn, or does it have to be exactly two?
Posted By: Bisento (6/5/2014 10:36:49 PM)


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