Well, it's Altar Golem for one less mana but it lacks trample but at the same time, it doesn't have to deal with a clunky "does not untap" thing.
Although the latter can be worked around...
This beast becomes more of a burden than anything else really.
Posted By:
(5/28/2011 3:16:33 PM)
Just too high a casting cost. Better targets for Zombify out there(If reanimate is how you get around high cost, which is what i always do). Add that hes an artifact and a creature which means shatter is just as good as any kill spell. Beast of Meh should be his name.
Posted By:
(10/24/2011 6:27:46 AM)
rolling stones
Posted By:
(1/31/2012 5:29:15 PM)
I don't want my pizza burnin'!
Posted By:
(9/30/2012 7:23:45 PM)
Possible sideboard against swarm decks. For 6 mana, should have trample.
Posted By:
(4/10/2013 11:40:51 PM)
just an expensive crusader of odric
Posted By:
(12/15/2013 9:41:13 PM)
@Hartes it applies to ALL creatures not just yours.
Posted By:
(2/24/2014 6:46:59 PM)