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It's pretty easy to imagine what a deck built around this would look like. Blue for this and counters, black for tutors and removal, and white for mass removal and enchantment tutoring. Start with 4 of these, 4 Brainspoils, and 4 Enduring Ideals, and you already have essentially the same chances of drawing it as you would in a 60 card deck. Pack the rest with tutors, counters, removal, and lockdown. Library manipulation will help you not get screwed, and you can add some mill for the alternate win condition. The other option is to use dredge to mill yourself as quickly as possible and pull the card out of your graveyard. In any case you would really have to watch out for Lobotomy or Thought Hemorrhage.
Posted By: achilleselbow (6/26/2010 2:30:23 PM)


There's 4 cards with cascade that can get you there, if you can get the mana to cast them.

As for shuffling the deck, who hasn't wanted to do a Vegas-style 300+ card shoe shuffle?
Posted By: matunos (6/13/2012 2:04:29 PM)


How's this for a freeform deck:

180x Black Lotus
25x Battle of Wits

Now, I'll just go online and buy the singles I need, and- HOLY SHIT, HALF A MILLION DOLLARS!?!?!

Eh, it's worth it. ;)
Posted By: GlassJoetheChamp (3/17/2012 10:51:59 AM)


awesome flavor!
Posted By: no_body (12/30/2009 9:07:06 PM)


i've never seen someone winning this way; perhaps i'll never do.
Posted By: Mark0z4 (6/19/2009 9:52:17 PM)


gleemax's number is bigger actually
Posted By: DarthExecutor (7/18/2009 12:31:12 PM)


Everyday I'm Shuffling
Posted By: Ezuna (9/18/2011 5:08:11 AM)


How will you ever use this, and there is a clause saying you have to be able to shuffle your deck unassisted to you are disqualified. I is a fun concept but will never work in a real game. Could you imagine counting your deck down to only have 199 cards.
Posted By: ajpinton (2/1/2010 5:06:14 PM)


Isn't there a rule that you have to be able to shufffle your library in two hands (without any cards falling out continuously), otherwise you can't play it?
Posted By: divine_exodus (6/30/2011 8:19:38 AM)


anyone else think that this would be fun in a Relentless Rats deck???? 4 of this card, 50-60 lands of swamps and islands, whatever else you want to put in it, and like 120 rats
Posted By: samster712 (6/7/2012 1:33:33 PM)


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