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I hate boring win conditions... With this it's just "have a big deck, tutor it out, win". No satisfaction in there. Other "win-the-game" spells are at least riskier and therefore more fun to play. With this, as long as no one has a Naturalize or something before your next turn, that's it. And it's not too hard to reload your library before your upkeep just to keep mill from preventing this win. Welp.
Posted By: Totema (6/5/2012 12:36:47 PM)


"This is certainly the champion for most 'great on paper, useless in practice' card. Instant win for 5 mana? "

Except that it's far from an instant win. It must first resolve. And then it must stay on the board until your next upkeep.

And even when someone does pull off this combo, nobody likes to sit around while someone is counting the cards in his/her library to see if they actually won.

"197, 198, 199?! Wait, that can't be right. Let me recount, I must have missed one."

No other card actually merits its owner getting punched right in the face.

And MaRo allowed this to see a reprint. Who does he think he is?
Posted By: Kragash (6/29/2012 5:10:42 AM)


Coming in M13
Posted By: Hivis_of_the_Scale (6/29/2012 9:32:04 AM)


Perhaps having a 225 Card Library isn't the way to go with this card.

Load a library with Tutors, Isochron Scepter, Research // Development, could even see Copy Artifact and Twincast, and have 200 spare cards. You can make upto 8 scepters, 4 for Research 4 for Twincast, beef your library up to 200.
Posted By: Lefty2k59 (3/4/2010 8:40:27 AM)


You could do a build where you have four of these, 150 cards that look for something in your library, and 75 land.

That would be fun.
Posted By: Samm547 (10/3/2009 7:03:12 PM)



I've never seen it but i'd imagine the mill deck would win most the time.
At the same time this could be played, so could traumatize. Basically one you are hit with a traumatize its over.

Also, if you are facing a decently fast mill deck you'll have lost atleast 15 cards by the time you reach the 5 mana required to play this. 15+7 = 22 which means, if you haven't played a single draw / tutor card you'll have 3 turns till you are gone.

Then again, with new anti-mill cards out like the blue quest card, you may have a really decent chance. Just tutor the anti-mill, then take your time until you are good and ready and the pop it.

Definitely and interesting idea. Both decks would have to be designed specifically for that sort of match up.
Posted By: Kurhan (2/5/2010 11:43:28 PM)


Completely useless in tournament games and decks with a 60 card limit. But cool enough. Can be very useful in a deck with unlimited cards. a 200+ deck with 20+ Battle of Wits would ensure victory over an unsuspecting opponent.
Posted By: emerald420 (1/20/2009 1:27:28 AM)


I have won alot of matches with this card using cheap tricks ( eldrazi works quite well ) but it is funnier to just build a 250 card deck all lands dual lands except 4 islands ( mainly blue black) make the card before it an island ( only 4 in the deck ) so if you get a island in your hand you have the card in 1-3 turns and mullagin until you see it or a identifier XD if you set up card before anything to search as well you can rig the odds considering your already going to know you will get something soon ( note it is not cheating it is like counting cards it is a talent you are not breaking any rules as you did do a lagite shuffle and everything else you simply gave yourself a bit of an advantage by knowing something that will come up ) XD
Posted By: KingKnotts (4/20/2011 2:21:25 AM)


You just have to love the flavor text on this.
Posted By: John-Bender (12/6/2009 12:49:17 PM)


Oh, yeah. If you wanna use this card, here's how: DON'T FREAKING FOCUS ON IT! Just build your awesome-huge 250+ deck and put it in (BTW, I only own ONE. I've never had more than one in a deck, obviously). I recommend a five-color deck+artifacts, especially for mana sources that can fight. Obviously, it's gonna need at least blue in it. Heck, put Progenitis in for kicks! Then play! If you happen to draw it, play it! If you don't, oh well. Just win the old fashioned way! Plus, you can use Demonic Tutor to just pull it out (I've done it once, but usually I'll pull out something I'd rather use, like Akroma or Chandra. RELYING on an instant-win is cheap, I'll generally agree. USING it when you happen to get it, especially with 1/250+ odds, is perfectly fine. And I love laughing at whiners who complain to no end that they lost to it when I just happened to get super lucky and draw it when they couldn't destroy it.

Ah, I also love me a Door to Nothingness. "I kill you!" -Achmed
Posted By: JarieSuicune (3/5/2010 2:33:14 PM)


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