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A battle of wits deck vs. A mill deck. I want to see that match.
Posted By: Esprel (12/17/2009 8:58:51 PM)


High concept cards like this keep me daydreaming about unusual or unexpected victories. I wonder how many have ever won with this card?

(A 'perfect win' using this card would be 5 islands and this in your first 6 draws, leaving 200 cards - and victory - in the upkeep of your 7th turn. Assuming a deck of 202 Islands and 4 Battle Of Wits, this will occur 1.8% of the time. It is an amusing diversion to think of how to increase the odds using tutors, moxes, lotuses, draw cards etc.)
Posted By: RichardJesperson (4/8/2010 11:17:25 AM)


Well, this card was played by Matt Linde and Brock Parker at the 2002 San Diego Masters, four featured matches at: http://www.wizards.com/sideboard/event.asp?event=MASTERSSD02 :)
Posted By: danegator (9/3/2010 4:04:15 AM)


@snafinturtle Just came here to repeat my post about Spawnsire of Ulamog. Never thought someone would actually use that combo as a win condition. O_O

(not quite the ridiculousness of spending insane amounts of money just so you can use the legendary rule, but still, that is hilarious)
Posted By: Prizrak (1/28/2011 3:09:37 AM)


Ummmmmm... This seems counterintuitive. If you have 200 or more cards in your library, wouldn't the chances of getting this be practically nil, even if you were running 4 copies?
Posted By: land_comment (2/25/2011 3:22:44 PM)


Foresee is another good card to go with this. Oh and Elixir of Immortality, should the game actually last that long...
Posted By: DiasFlac420 (3/9/2011 8:25:04 PM)


Would love to build a deck around this if it wasn't so painful to carry and shuffle it. Also, people on MWS don't seem to want to play against someone with a 270-ish cards deck
Posted By: VarteDod (3/20/2011 4:37:36 PM)


Lots and lots of tutors are needed for this card. I once made a deck where the chances of getting this or a tutor was 9 out of 60.
Posted By: Axelle (5/13/2011 1:55:43 AM)


Stick 4 of these into any 5-color deck you ever make.
Who knows, you might get any easy win.
Posted By: ZakFrost (6/9/2011 4:50:54 PM)


Use Research with Isochron Scepter, Battle of Wits, Lapis Lazuli Talisman, and an infinite mana combo (lets use two Palladium Myrs and a Myr Galvanizer).

Cast Battle of Wits, the two Palladium Myrs and the Galvanizer. Go infinite with the Myrs and cast the Talisman and then the Scepter exiling Research. Pay 2 from the infinite mana and tap the Scepter to cast a Research copy, pay 3 to activate the Talisman's ability and untap the Scepter, rinse and repeat. Keep doing that until you have 200 or more cards in your library, then wait a turn to win the game. Or, if your impatient, use Time Warp.
Posted By: JFM2796 (8/19/2011 12:42:52 PM)


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