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Can you imagine this showing up in a booster draft? :)

This is the worst card in the entire game of Magic to put in a tournament deck, and it always will be, and that's okay. It's also the only card in the game that tells you explicitly in the flavor text that you're insane to play this card.

Give this card and a copy of Research // Development to the crazy combo player in your play-group, and let them spend the next month trying to break it. (In casual play, it's sort of possible! Spellweaver Helix + Burning Wish + Mystic Speculation lets you copy Burning Wish once a turn for 2Blue by playing another copy of Mystic Speculation with buyback, so you can add at least one card to your deck per turn (also works with the other sorcery-speed Wish cards); play Wheel of Sun and Moon, use two copies of Privileged Position and a Platinum Angel for protection, ha... (see all)
Posted By: Salient (8/21/2011 4:18:01 PM)


Relentless Rats!!!!
Posted By: Ertai23 (9/5/2011 3:02:40 AM)


Kingknotts does not have a *** clue about how probability actually works.
Posted By: Anathame (9/16/2011 3:01:48 PM)


This screams "casual only" in a very loud voice.

I like it.
Posted By: Gelzo (10/6/2011 10:10:13 PM)


I said I could build a deck based around any card. My friend told me Battle of Wits.
And so, I began working on a 250 card deck, and before long had created a green/blue/white deck that did nothing but stall, using everything from Ghostly Prison/Propoganda to the new (at the time) Heroe's Remembered. As more cards came out I fleshed out more and with Alara was able to add cards that actually complimented the tri color deck.

Many people think there is no way such a big deck can win, but when you run Chronozoa/Epic Struggle, Protean Hulk into Soul/Essence Warden and Thopter/Walker/Shield Sphere with Test of Endurance on the field, my 250 deck is one of my most brutal.
Posted By: ax_morph (10/7/2011 11:40:41 PM)


Diabolic tutor, Demonic Tutor, and Runescarred Demon say hi.
Posted By: LuminOfMoonlight (10/20/2011 6:04:01 PM)


Hands up if you can shuffle that many cards without assistance.
In new deck protectors.

Clearly should have been unglued
Posted By: JacksonRex (10/23/2011 2:14:31 AM)


If you want to be expensive, needlessly complicated and bypass another win condition on your way to victory, you could always use your Spawnsire of Ulamog to put that giant stack of Hand of Emrakuls that's been gathering dust in some corner of your collection into play - and then Worldpurge the lot.
Posted By: Plungingforward (11/7/2011 4:48:16 AM)


lol dammit it's banned in prismatic...
Posted By: pedrodyl (1/11/2012 4:51:57 PM)


Its pretty ez to win with this, you just need to stack your deck with as many legal tutors as possible, this, and control cards.

Does that make for a fun way to play? No.

Is it a reliable win condition? Yes and No. Requires a very specific deck construction to work properly, and on top of that theirs no reliable way of stopping your opponent from hosing your plans with a naturalize or a counter.

Its something that you dont see everyday and im sure when you win with it people will just get upset with you.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (3/2/2012 4:27:10 AM)


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