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in the M13 prerelease, all you have to do is put every single card you get in a deck. then add 130+ lands.
Posted By: Kingstinky (7/2/2012 3:14:10 PM)


The Johnny in me just got a hard-on
Posted By: Kaleidostorm (12/22/2012 3:33:54 PM)


The wizard who memorizes a thousand books is insane. Almost as insane as the player who uses a deck with over 200 cards...

@Shadowflaam: ...or the player who has actually purchased 200 Emrakuls.

How do you even make this work? I guess you stuff your deck full of lands and Tutors?
Posted By: Arachnos (1/16/2013 5:11:37 PM)


I'd love to make a deck with this somehow...

I'm thinking Relentless Rats by the bucketload, 4 Sphinx of the Chimes (basically so you can keep discarding those rats to thin out the deck and find the essential cards!), Thrumming stone can work too, so 4 of them! Locket of Yesterdays would come in handy so you can keep playing relentless rats for free after you have 3 in the graveyard. A couple of Elixir of Immortality cards and some sort of way of sending everything you've put on the battlefield into the graveyard (or back into the library ideally). Loads of scry and search cards too.

The strategy is to discard/play as many rats as possible until you finally get both the Battle of Wits and an elixir of immortality in your hand... and maybe something like Planar Cleansing to send everything on the field to the graveyard, Then play an elixir of immortality and th... (see all)
Posted By: exion.zero (3/13/2013 8:39:11 PM)


@drunyon: Not 100% true: you could be playing Mortal Combat, Traumatize, and Morality Shift as alternate win-cons...
Posted By: Aremath (6/22/2013 11:37:13 PM)


What about the wizard who launches a thousand books at you?
Posted By: Kirbster (11/5/2013 5:21:27 PM)


Sometimes I make 200 card burn decks. It gives me the mental edge.
Posted By: The_Erudite_Idiot (1/17/2014 4:12:13 AM)


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