Play Bludgeon Brawl and equip this with Door to Nothingness.
Posted By:
(8/29/2012 4:07:32 PM)
This card is so broken it's banned in casual.
Posted By:
(5/30/2011 6:29:38 PM)
Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.
Posted By:
(7/19/2013 5:23:36 PM)
I was playing a friend with my casual sliver deck. I had just played a kicked Rite of Replication on my Might Sliver, so I had 18 unblockable, double striking, lifelinking, shrouded, etc. 15/15 creatures. On the next turn, he played this card. I couldn't believe my eyes. I looked at the card, read it over a couple of times, and scooped. How could a couple of comparatively vanilla 15/15's stand up to this? Plus, it rhymed. "Descending" and "unending?" How cool is that?
I was an instant convert. The next day, I made a mono blue deck with 56 islands and a playset of these as the only win condition. I took it to a local tournament and showed it off to a couple of people there ("LOOK AT THIS AND WEEP!!!!"). Based on the nervous laughter and expressions of disbelief ("Is this some sort of sick joke?") that I got, I could tell that they were terrified of the sheer power of the storm crow.
Also, I know that there are a lot of haters out t... (see all)
Posted By:
(10/3/2010 3:40:01 AM)
Forcefield can hose Tarmogoyf's damage, but not Storm Crow's? Good god.
Posted By:
(7/18/2013 6:40:55 PM)
Storm Crow takes a Rocket Launcher blast to the face... and lives.
Posted By:
(6/26/2011 6:01:52 AM)
I am a pro - better than all of these self proclaimed "pros" out here I can assure you, and I think Storm Crow simply sucks. I mean, if it was really such a good card then it could come right behind me and smash my head against the keyasdglaghiwgaljealjbivnvzc le LEGDALGJFLDAELCL JLShlgsh lJlfhlgh tl jzl
Posted By:
(11/19/2012 8:31:38 PM)
Reprint! Reprint! REPRINT!
Posted By:
(5/18/2013 7:37:51 AM)
I heard that they're making Murder of Crows in Innstrad. Will be drafting with those.
Posted By:
(9/3/2011 8:00:43 PM)
Storm Crow beat me in a one-on-one match this evening. True story. Still figuring out how.
I mean... we were playing SCRABBLE. That card is just way too overpowered if all that's going to be happening.
Posted By:
(3/24/2011 8:09:57 PM)