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Flavor text makes it seem very, very Gruul.
Posted By: NeoKoda (10/3/2011 11:18:19 AM)


Land fetch cards like Tectonic Edge provide good food for it when you sac and search for land. Primeval Titan is another good choice.

I have played matches with four of them in my deck, and I learned that this can get out of hand quickly if left unanswered early on. Use plenty of land fetch monsters - Caravan Vigil , Viridian Emissary , Far Haven Elf , Borderland Ranger , Frontier Guide , Ondu Giant , I could go on. Land fetch spells will also provide bonuses, use - Cultivate , Harrow , Growth Spasm , Kodama's Reach , Khalni Heart Expedition , Rampant Growth , etc.

Green has so many different ways of ramping, that I cannot possibly think of them all, but if used correctly, this creature can be... (see all)
Posted By: MechaKraken (10/24/2011 4:19:15 PM)


Vinelasher Kudzu + Life and Limb + Ghave, Guru of Spores = {1}: Put a 1/1 Saproling creature token into play.

Use Ghave to take away one of Kudzu's +1/+1 counters to put a Saproling into play. Because the Saproling is also a land, Kudzu gets a counter back. Splice in an infinite mana combo for infinite Saprolings.
Posted By: HeartbreakerStudios (11/18/2011 10:52:20 PM)


@HeartbreakerStudios: infinite mana combo? you already have one! Since each Saproling is now a land, you need only give your creatures haste, or something like that (the 'Forests' now have summoning sickness), and you can go on ad infinitum. Akroma's Memorial is the way to go if you don't run red (Ghave EDH), but Fires of Yavimaya seems to go the best, flavourwise.
Posted By: Corey_bayoudragonfly (12/22/2011 10:00:18 PM)


This is one of my favorite cards of all time. I had a casual UG deck that had Vinelasher, Azusa, and the Ravnica Karoos to make this dude huge. I realize it's a fairly janky strategy, but it was fun nonetheless. The blue was certainly necessary to protect him with counterspells once he hit the battlefield. As many have stated, he is even more awesome post-Zendikar.
Posted By: BigBoatDeluxe (3/24/2012 2:43:39 PM)


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