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Generally, most decks that would want to use a Blaze effect or a Braingeyser effect would prefer to have either of the aforementioned cards.
Posted By: person1234 (8/17/2009 1:46:45 PM)


at this cost it could have been both.
Posted By: Gezus82 (6/6/2010 5:35:47 PM)


This needs Replicate BlueRed badly!
Posted By: DespisedIcon (9/19/2010 6:52:32 PM)


Why the heck would you need blaze AND braingeyser/mind spring? Decks don't need that many bombs.

If this had a cheap entwine cost (like 1 mana), then it might've been playable. But it's just too expensive.
Posted By: mdakw576 (2/21/2010 3:18:38 AM)


This was a fun and decent card, but today it can probably be AND instead of OR and still be fair.
Posted By: Gabriel422 (12/19/2010 11:34:12 PM)


While expensive, this could've been almost decent if it were just an Instant.
Posted By: EternalLurker (3/3/2011 11:52:49 AM)


I am not impressed personally. I like having options, but this is just a wee bit too expensive. Most infinite mana decks would rather Banefire or Blue Sun's Zenith

I would have liked to see it this way:

Variable ColorlessBlueBlueRedRed
Target player draws X cards, invoke the Firemind does X damage to another target creature or player.

Or perhaps this (Possibly overpowered) one:

Variable ColorlessBlueRed
Choose one: target player draws X cards, or Invoke the Firemind deals X damage to target creature or player.
Entwine BlueRed
Posted By: Enelysios (6/22/2012 11:23:38 PM)


You rarely need both Blaze and Mindspring. But it's pretty frequently that you'll need one or the other. It's still not an awesome card, but it has its uses.
Posted By: ScissorsLizard (2/22/2010 8:34:47 PM)


Boo this should uncommon and could even cost U less

lets take XUR in a few examples

1UR : Draw one card (not very good)
2UR : Draw two card (seems about one notch and a half downgraded from similar card)
3UR: Draw Three cards (no complaints here)
4UR : Draw four card (this could be a card, a decent common/uncommon one even)

and so on

as a burn card its pretty poor also

The versatility might please some but I think its runs poorly
Posted By: feedbacker (8/19/2012 8:49:37 PM)


The thing is: it's utility. It can be used for either which means if you want 4 mind spring and 4 blaze spells in your deck, you don't have to waste 8 slots; only 4. Very few cards offer this kind of flexibility.
Posted By: Digit (10/20/2009 8:26:45 AM)


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