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Community Rating: 2.941 / 5  (51 votes)
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12 >
hey guys, this thing only costs 4, it mills their hand for two cards and enchanted creature gets tap 1 regenerate.

This a nasty card to play against with excellent practical value for its owner. Energy 5/5 for practical value.

Underrated and undervalued - this is a good card.
Posted By: Vastator (6/29/2013 11:36:08 PM)


Ah but the true cost is 3BlackBlack.

Unless you do not care if the enchanted creature dies before you can regenerate it. Then again, they discarded 2 and used removal in hand, so you might be coming out ahead if they blow removal on enchanted creature before you have Black ready.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (6/30/2013 10:36:06 AM)


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