Wow u guys, they use maps because they can shoot arrows farther what they can see, and hitting some critter in the next town. A ping ability would fix this flavor.
An okay blocker as it is tho, wont win you the game or stop a 5/5 or anything.
Posted By:
(4/12/2012 6:02:44 AM)
This really shines if you get multiples out on the board.
Posted By:
(4/30/2012 2:59:45 PM)
I would imagine they would be making arrowheads from the sharp leaves of the Tangle in a flavor stretch
Posted By:
(11/18/2012 5:50:00 PM)
seriously needs Basilisk Collar more than first strike. First strike is...'alright' for blocking, but this creature REALLY wants to trade or better with Fliers. It has 2 power. If you put first strike on it, it can now take down two really small fliers and live. Which it already could do because it has 5 toughness. Deathtouch would enable it to trade 2-for-1 against Dragons. That is a lot better.
Of course, with a CMC of 5 and nearly strictly defensive applications, the odds are you are playing this, if at all, in EDH, or at least multiplayer, in which case you probably have a whole suit of Voltron armor to give it. First Strike is a great keyword, but it is definitely the SECOND-pick keyword compared to Deathtouch when you look for ways to suit this guy up.
(There are a few odd aggressive fliers like the Vaults:Exiled Efreet and Krasis...and Uktabi Drake which is just a bit retar... (see all)
Posted By:
(3/14/2013 11:29:37 AM)