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This guy is Jace Beleren before he joined weight watchers.
Posted By: hid@n (6/15/2010 5:08:48 PM)


hmm, a living howling mine? not bad, lol
Posted By: Bigboss1967 (10/10/2010 6:38:54 PM)


Howling butt crack, as I call it.
Posted By: Waldo420 (4/27/2009 4:56:29 PM)


That is one ugly blob of fat =P

But seriously, howling mine on a stick is fine. Idk if it's better than mine tho, u can't bolt a mine after getting ur free draw.
Posted By: channelblaze (11/15/2010 8:00:02 PM)


Don't they have gyms in Kamigawa?
Posted By: scumbling1 (3/28/2011 12:35:30 PM)


The card in and of itself doesn't look to amazing, but its the 2 mana cost that is awesome. In a blue deck, especially splash black with underworld dreams, this is great. Its a somewhat weaker mana reflection, but since your getting it for only 2 mana it doesn't matter. In other decks there's no point though, red or green particularly, probably can't get much use of out of a 1/3 creature who draws extra cards.
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (10/18/2009 2:11:53 PM)


I don't understand this card. Does it mean you draw a card in addition to the card you would normally draw during your draw step? The definition of the draw step is "You draw a card from your library." WOTC needs to hire some people who speak English because this just isn't clear.
Posted By: Terminum (10/19/2009 7:14:27 PM)


one of my favorite edh generals ever! probably the only general that's so non-threatening it never dies from spot removal too. i made him my general as a joke and put him in a mill style deck. the deck actually works most of the time and has a high win percentage. i highly recommend this guy as a general to anyone who's tired of losing a lot of edh games because players keep saying that their generals/decks are too good to play against so everyone gangs up on them first. you play something like this guy and players begin to overlook you and focus on bigger threats. this guy is very political in multiplayer games just like howling mine.
Posted By: tommyb38 (2/1/2013 10:33:52 PM)


It's a decent creature with a nice ability; Howling Mine on a non-threatening body is great for negotiating in EDH. Nobody wants to kill the this guy, and having multiple "everyone draws" effects ensures that you make it to the late game.
Of course, when you have a mana-screwed opponent who doesn't appreciate having to discard all those extra cards, the kami becomes public enemy number one.
Still, a nice source for card draw.
Posted By: ParishInquisitor (2/14/2013 10:40:47 AM)


When i first read the rules text i was like,

"Ya don't say!"
Posted By: Shadowcaster3975 (4/25/2014 11:56:49 PM)


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