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At target, you can spend $5 for a booster repackaged with "8 additional cards." My friend bought one; the additional cards were all 6th edition summer blooms. And there were only 7.
Posted By: metalevolence (6/25/2010 12:07:46 AM)


The epitome of beauty. Definitely a great card in regular formats or EDH.
Posted By: SavageBrain89 (7/25/2009 7:31:21 PM)


I remember getting beaten by this thing during round 3 or 4 in an FNM. This dude went like turn 2 Summer Bloom, then he bounced lands with Ravnica bouncelands and replayed the lands. Then he started firing Time Stops... his counterspell of choice. He drew tons of cards with Tidings, made Vinelasher Kudzu really really huge, and though I got an Angel of Despair off a Chord of Calling (on your bounceland!), it turned out that taking away two mana does essentially nothing, as he got way too much card advantage from the lands.

Oh Summer Bloom!

Edit: during that same game, I cast Vanish into Memory on one of his Vinelasher Kudzu, drawing seven and discarding one. Turned out that wasn't enough.
Posted By: Gabriel422 (8/17/2011 6:10:22 AM)


How often are you going to have three extra lands? I'd much rather play Explore.

@Leo...Preliator: My point is that the times when this is better than Explore wouldn't occur as often as the times when Explore is better than this. Another thing is that this is worthless if you topdeck it with no cards in your hand.
Posted By: dudecow (7/4/2011 2:01:46 PM)


it's great if you got mana flooded.
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (10/14/2011 6:53:31 AM)


Combos with Vernal Bloom, but not with Cadaverous Bloom. Bloom Tender could not be reached for comment.

Oh, also:

Summer Bloom + Spellweaver Helix + Life from the Loam + land-sac engine (Squandered Resources, Infernal Tribute, both, Walk the Aeons, etc.)
Summer Bloom + Spellweaver Helix + Lab Rats/Wurmcalling + Crucible of Worlds + Squandered Resources
Posted By: Ragamander (1/24/2012 10:48:22 PM)


4 land drops on turn 2. Can be crazy if built around. Definitely not a card you just x4 without thought.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (3/23/2013 11:39:03 PM)


for modern

turn one amulet of vigor

turn two tap the one mana for one brop a bounce land tap it for two and bounce it back to you hand. play summers bloow, repeat the bonce land three times drop a creature for 6 to 7 mana
Posted By: creeture14 (4/12/2013 8:42:18 AM)


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